Articles | Volume 16, issue 3
Data description paper
07 Mar 2024
Data description paper |  | 07 Mar 2024

Dams in the Mekong: a comprehensive database, spatiotemporal distribution, and hydropower potentials

Wei Jing Ang, Edward Park, Yadu Pokhrel, Dung Duc Tran, and Ho Huu Loc

Data sets

Replication Data for: Dams in the Mekong: A comprehensive database, spatiotemporal distribution, and hydropower potentials Wei Jing Ang et al.

Short summary
Dams have burgeoned in the Mekong, but information on dams is scattered and inconsistent. Up-to-date evaluation of dams is unavailable, and basin-wide hydropower potential has yet to be systematically assessed. We present a comprehensive database of 1055 dams, a spatiotemporal analysis of the dams, and a total hydropower potential of 1 334 683 MW. Considering projected dam development and hydropower potential, the vulnerability and the need for better dam management may be highest in Laos.
Final-revised paper