Articles | Volume 15, issue 12
Data description paper
04 Dec 2023
Data description paper |  | 04 Dec 2023

Enhanced dataset of global marine isoprene emissions from biogenic and photochemical processes for the period 2001–2020

Lehui Cui, Yunting Xiao, Wei Hu, Lei Song, Yujue Wang, Chao Zhang, Pingqing Fu, and Jialei Zhu

Data sets

Global marine isoprene emission data set (2001-2020) Lehui Cui and Jialei Zhu

Short summary
Isoprene is a crucial non-methane biogenic volatile organic compound with the largest global emissions, which has high chemical reactivity and serves as the primary source of natural secondary organic aerosols. This study built a module to present a 20-year global hourly dataset of marine phytoplankton-generated biological and photochemistry-generated isoprene emissions in the sea microlayers based on the latest advancements in biological, physical, and chemical processes.
Final-revised paper