Articles | Volume 15, issue 11
Data description paper
31 Oct 2023
Data description paper |  | 31 Oct 2023

A global 5 km monthly potential evapotranspiration dataset (1982–2015) estimated by the Shuttleworth–Wallace model

Shanlei Sun, Zaoying Bi, Jingfeng Xiao, Yi Liu, Ge Sun, Weimin Ju, Chunwei Liu, Mengyuan Mu, Jinjian Li, Yang Zhou, Xiaoyuan Li, Yibo Liu, and Haishan Chen

Data sets

A global 5 km monthly potential evapotranspiration dataset (1982–2015) estimated by the Shuttleworth-Wallace model Shanlei Sun, Zaoyin Bi, and Haishan Chen

Short summary
Based on various existing datasets, we comprehensively considered spatiotemporal differences in land surfaces and CO2 effects on plant stomatal resistance to parameterize the Shuttleworth–Wallace model, and we generated a global 5 km ensemble mean monthly potential evapotranspiration (PET) dataset (including potential transpiration PT and soil evaporation PE) during 1982–2015. The new dataset may be used by academic communities and various agencies to conduct various studies.
Final-revised paper