Articles | Volume 15, issue 10
Data description paper
19 Oct 2023
Data description paper |  | 19 Oct 2023

SCShores: a comprehensive shoreline dataset of Spanish sandy beaches from a citizen-science monitoring programme

Rita González-Villanueva, Jesús Soriano-González, Irene Alejo, Francisco Criado-Sudau, Theocharis Plomaritis, Àngels Fernàndez-Mora, Javier Benavente, Laura Del Río, Miguel Ángel Nombela, and Elena Sánchez-García

Data sets

SCShores: time-series of shorelines from Spanish Sandy beaches from citizen-science monitoring program. Rita González-Villanueva, Elena Sánchez-García, and Jesús Soriano-González

Short summary
Sandy beaches, shaped by tides, waves, and winds, constantly change. Studying these changes is crucial for coastal management, but obtaining detailed shoreline data is difficult and costly. Our paper introduces a unique dataset of high-resolution shorelines from five Spanish beaches collected through the CoastSnap citizen-science program. With 1721 shorelines, our dataset provides valuable information for coastal studies.
Final-revised paper