Articles | Volume 15, issue 10
Data description paper
05 Oct 2023
Data description paper |  | 05 Oct 2023

A high-frequency, long-term data set of hydrology and sediment yield: the alpine badland catchments of Draix-Bléone Observatory

Sebastien Klotz, Caroline Le Bouteiller, Nicolle Mathys, Firmin Fontaine, Xavier Ravanat, Jean-Emmanuel Olivier, Frédéric Liébault, Hugo Jantzi, Patrick Coulmeau, Didier Richard, Jean-Pierre Cambon, and Maurice Meunier

Data sets

2015-2019 subset of rainfall, meteorology, discharge and sediment yield data from Draix-Bleone Observatory Sebastien Klotz, Caroline Le Bouteiller, Firmin Fontaine, Xavier Ravanat, and Nicolle Mathys

Observatoire hydrosedimentaire de montagne Draix-Bleone Draix-Bleone Observatory

Draix-Bleone Observatory spatial data: catchment boundaries, instrument locations and DEM Caroline Le Bouteiller, Cedric Legout and Sebastien Klotz

Short summary
Mountain badlands are places of intense erosion. They deliver large amounts of sediment to river systems, with consequences for hydropower sustainability, habitat quality and biodiversity, and flood hazard and river management. Draix-Bleone Observatory was created in 1983 to understand and quantify sediment delivery from such badland areas. Our paper describes how water and sediment fluxes have been monitored for almost 40 years in the small mountain catchments of this observatory.
Final-revised paper