Articles | Volume 15, issue 1
Data description paper
27 Jan 2023
Data description paper |  | 27 Jan 2023

Harmonized Soil Database of Ecuador (HESD): data from 2009 to 2015

Daphne Armas, Mario Guevara, Fernando Bezares, Rodrigo Vargas, Pilar Durante, Víctor Osorio, Wilmer Jiménez, and Cecilio Oyonarte

Data sets

Harmonized Soil Database of Ecuador 2021 Daphne Armas, Mario Guevara, Fernando Bezares, Rodrigo Vargas, Pilar Durante, Víctor Osorio, Wilmer Jiménez, and Cecilio Oyonarte

Short summary
The global need for updated soil datasets has increased. Our main objective was to synthesize and harmonize soil profile information collected by two different projects in Ecuador between 2009 and 2015.The main result was the development of the Harmonized Soil Database of Ecuador (HESD) that includes information from 13 542 soil profiles with over 51 713 measured soil horizons, including 92 different edaphic variables, and follows international standards for archiving and sharing soil data.
Final-revised paper