Articles | Volume 15, issue 9
Data description paper
15 Sep 2023
Data description paper |  | 15 Sep 2023

Inventory of glaciers and perennial snowfields of the conterminous USA

Andrew G. Fountain, Bryce Glenn, and Christopher Mcneil

Data sets

Data From: Inventory of Glaciers and Perennial Snowfields of the Coterminous USA Andrew G. Fountain and Bryce Glenn

Short summary
Glaciers are rapidly shrinking globally. To identify past change and provide a baseline for future change, we inventoried the extent of glaciers and perennial snowfields across the western USA excluding Alaska. Using mostly aerial imagery, we digitized the outlines of all glaciers and perennial snowfields equal to or larger than 0.01 km2 using a geographical information system. We identified 1331 (366.52 km2) glaciers and 1176 (31.00 km2) snowfields.
Final-revised paper