Articles | Volume 15, issue 7
Data description paper
20 Jul 2023
Data description paper |  | 20 Jul 2023

Measurements and modeling of water levels, currents, density, and wave climate on a semi-enclosed tidal bay, Cádiz (southwest Spain)

Carmen Zarzuelo, Alejandro López-Ruiz, María Bermúdez, and Miguel Ortega-Sánchez

Data sets

Hydrodynamic data for the Bay of Cádiz (southern Spain) Carmen Zarzuelo, Alejandro López-Ruiz, María Bermúdez, and Miguel Ortega-Sánchez

Short summary
This paper presents a hydrodynamic dataset for the Bay of Cádiz in southern Spain, a paradigmatic example of a tidal bay of complex geometry under high anthropogenic pressure. The dataset brings together measured and modeled data on water levels, currents, density, and waves for the period 2012–2015. It allows the characterization of the bay dynamics from intratidal to seasonal scales. Potential applications include the study of ocean–bay interactions, wave propagation, or energy assessments.
Final-revised paper