Articles | Volume 15, issue 5
Data description paper
24 May 2023
Data description paper |  | 24 May 2023

Moho depths beneath the European Alps: a homogeneously processed map and receiver functions database

Konstantinos Michailos, György Hetényi, Matteo Scarponi, Josip Stipčević, Irene Bianchi, Luciana Bonatto, Wojciech Czuba, Massimo Di Bona, Aladino Govoni, Katrin Hannemann, Tomasz Janik, Dániel Kalmár, Rainer Kind, Frederik Link, Francesco Pio Lucente, Stephen Monna, Caterina Montuori, Stefan Mroczek, Anne Paul, Claudia Piromallo, Jaroslava Plomerová, Julia Rewers, Simone Salimbeni, Frederik Tilmann, Piotr Środa, Jérôme Vergne, and the AlpArray-PACASE Working Group


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Short summary
We examine the spatial variability of the crustal thickness beneath the broader European Alpine region by using teleseismic earthquake information (receiver functions) on a large amount of seismic waveform data. We compile a new Moho depth map of the broader European Alps and make our results freely available. We anticipate that our results can potentially provide helpful hints for interdisciplinary imaging and numerical modeling studies. 
Final-revised paper