Articles | Volume 15, issue 5
Data description paper
15 May 2023
Data description paper |  | 15 May 2023

Two years of volatile organic compound online in situ measurements at the Site Instrumental de Recherche par Télédétection Atmosphérique (Paris region, France) using proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometry

Leïla Simon, Valérie Gros, Jean-Eudes Petit, François Truong, Roland Sarda-Estève, Carmen Kalalian, Alexia Baudic, Caroline Marchand, and Olivier Favez


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Short summary
Long-term measurements of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have been set up to better characterize the atmospheric chemistry at the SIRTA national facility (Paris area, France). Results obtained from the first 2 years (2020–2021) confirm the importance of local sources for short-lived compounds and the role played by meteorology and air mass origins in the long-term analysis of VOCs. They also point to a substantial influence of anthropogenic on the monoterpene loadings.
Final-revised paper