Articles | Volume 15, issue 4
Data description paper
05 Apr 2023
Data description paper |  | 05 Apr 2023

Integrated ecohydrological hydrometric and stable water isotope data of a drought-sensitive mixed land use lowland catchment

Doerthe Tetzlaff, Aaron Smith, Lukas Kleine, Hauke Daempfling, Jonas Freymueller, and Chris Soulsby


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Short summary
We present a comprehensive set of ecohydrological hydrometric and stable water isotope data of 2 years of data. The data set is unique as the different compartments of the landscape were sampled and the effects of a prolonged drought (2018–2020) captured by a marked negative rainfall anomaly (the most severe regional drought of the 21st century). Thus, the data allow the drought effects on water storage, flux and age dynamics, and persistence of lowland landscapes to be investigated.
Final-revised paper