Articles | Volume 14, issue 1
Review article
14 Jan 2022
Review article |  | 14 Jan 2022

Multi-year, spatially extensive, watershed-scale synoptic stream chemistry and water quality conditions for six permafrost-underlain Arctic watersheds

Arial J. Shogren, Jay P. Zarnetske, Benjamin W. Abbott, Samuel Bratsman, Brian Brown, Michael P. Carey, Randy Fulweber, Heather E. Greaves, Emma Haines, Frances Iannucci, Joshua C. Koch, Alexander Medvedeff, Jonathan A. O'Donnell, Leika Patch, Brett A. Poulin, Tanner J. Williamson, and William B. Bowden


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Short summary
Rapidly sampling multiple points in an entire river network provides a high-resolution snapshot in time that can reveal where nutrients and carbon are being taken up and released. Here, we describe two such datasets of river network chemistry in six Arctic watersheds in northern Alaska. We describe how these repeated snapshots can be used as an indicator of ecosystem response to climate change and to improve predictions of future release of carbon, nutrient, and other solutes.
Final-revised paper