Articles | Volume 14, issue 2
Data description paper
18 Feb 2022
Data description paper |  | 18 Feb 2022

Design and description of the MUSICA IASI full retrieval product

Matthias Schneider, Benjamin Ertl, Christopher J. Diekmann, Farahnaz Khosrawi, Andreas Weber, Frank Hase, Michael Höpfner, Omaira E. García, Eliezer Sepúlveda, and Douglas Kinnison

Data sets

MUSICA IASI full retrieval product standard output (processing version 3.2.1) Matthias Schneider, Benjamin Ertl, and Christopher Diekmann

MUSICA IASI full retrieval product extended output (processing version 3.2.1) Matthias Schneider, Benjamin Ertl, and Christopher Diekmann

Short summary
We present atmospheric H2O, HDO / H2O ratio, N2O, CH4, and HNO3 data generated by the MUSICA IASI processor using thermal nadir spectra measured by the IASI satellite instrument. The data have global daily coverage and are available for the period between October 2014 and June 2021. Multiple possibilities of data reuse are offered by providing each individual data product together with information about retrieval settings and the products' uncertainty and vertical representativeness.
Final-revised paper