Articles | Volume 14, issue 12
Data description paper
14 Dec 2022
Data description paper |  | 14 Dec 2022

Location, biophysical and agronomic parameters for croplands in northern Ghana

Jose Luis Gómez-Dans, Philip Edward Lewis, Feng Yin, Kofi Asare, Patrick Lamptey, Kenneth Kobina Yedu Aidoo, Dilys Sefakor MacCarthy, Hongyuan Ma, Qingling Wu, Martin Addi, Stephen Aboagye-Ntow, Caroline Edinam Doe, Rahaman Alhassan, Isaac Kankam-Boadu, Jianxi Huang, and Xuecao Li

Data sets

Location, biophysical and agronomic parameters for croplands in Northern Ghana Jose Luis Gomez-Dans, P. Lewis, Feng Yin, Kofi Asare, Patrick Lamptey, Kenneth Aidoo, Dilys MacCarthy, Hongyuan Ma, Qingling Wu, Martin Addi, Stephen Aboagye-Ntow, Caroline Edinam Doe, Rahaman Alhassan, Isaac Kankam-Boadu, Jianxi Huang, and Xuecao Li

Short summary
We provide a data set to support mapping croplands in smallholder landscapes in Ghana. The data set contains information on crop location on three agroecological zones for 2 years, temporal series of measurements of leaf area index and leaf chlorophyll concentration for maize canopies and yield. We demonstrate the use of these data to validate cropland masks, create a maize mask using satellite data and explore the relationship between satellite measurements and yield.
Final-revised paper