Articles | Volume 14, issue 12
Data description paper
09 Dec 2022
Data description paper |  | 09 Dec 2022

A database of radiogenic Sr–Nd isotopes at the “three poles”

Zhiheng Du, Jiao Yang, Lei Wang, Ninglian Wang, Anders Svensson, Zhen Zhang, Xiangyu Ma, Yaping Liu, Shimeng Wang, Jianzhong Xu, and Cunde Xiao


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Short summary
A dataset of the radiogenic strontium and neodymium isotopic compositions from the three poles (the third pole, the Arctic, and Antarctica) were integrated to obtain new findings. The dataset enables us to map the standardized locations in the three poles, while the use of sorting criteria related to the sample type permits us to trace the dust sources and sinks. The purpose of this dataset is to try to determine the variable transport pathways of dust at three poles.
Final-revised paper