Articles | Volume 14, issue 11
Data description paper
15 Nov 2022
Data description paper |  | 15 Nov 2022

The PANDA automatic weather station network between the coast and Dome A, East Antarctica

Minghu Ding, Xiaowei Zou, Qizhen Sun, Diyi Yang, Wenqian Zhang, Lingen Bian, Changgui Lu, Ian Allison, Petra Heil, and Cunde Xiao


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Short summary
The PANDA automatic weather station (AWS) network consists of 11 stations deployed along a transect from the coast (Zhongshan Station) to the summit of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet (Dome A). It covers the different climatic and topographic units of East Antarctica. All stations record hourly air temperature, relative humidity, air pressure, wind speed and direction at two or three heights. The PANDA AWS dataset commences from 1989 and is planned to be publicly available into the future.
Final-revised paper