Articles | Volume 14, issue 10
Data description paper
28 Oct 2022
Data description paper |  | 28 Oct 2022

Colombian soil texture: building a spatial ensemble model

Viviana Marcela Varón-Ramírez, Gustavo Alfonso Araujo-Carrillo, and Mario Antonio Guevara Santamaría

Data sets

Textural soil data, Colombia, 0 - 100 cm Viviana Marcela Varón-Ramírez, Gustavo Alfonso Araujo-Carrillo, and Mario Guevara

Textural soil maps, Colombia, 0 - 100 cm Viviana Marcela Varón-Ramírez, Gustavo Alfonso Araujo-Carrillo, and Mario Guevara

Model code and software

VimiVaron/Textural-maps-Colombia: Colombian Soil Texture Code. Version 1. (v1.0.0) VimiVaron

Short summary
These are the first national soil texture maps obtained via digital soil mapping. We built clay, sand, and silt maps using spatial assembling with the best possible predictions at different depths. Also, we identified the better model for each pixel. This work was done to address the lack of soil texture maps in Colombia, and it can provide soil information for water-related applications, ecosystem services, and agricultural and crop modeling.
Final-revised paper