Articles | Volume 14, issue 7
Data description paper
19 Jul 2022
Data description paper |  | 19 Jul 2022

A 41-year (1979–2019) passive-microwave-derived lake ice phenology data record of the Northern Hemisphere

Yu Cai, Claude R. Duguay, and Chang-Qing Ke

Data sets

Lake ice phenology in the Northern Hemisphere extracted from SMMR, SSM/I and SSMIS data from 1979 to 2020 Yu Cai, Claude R. Duguay, and Chang-Qing Ke

Global Lake and River Ice Phenology Database Barbara Benson, John Magnuson, and Florence Fetterer

MEaSUREs Calibrated Enhanced-Resolution Passive Microwave Daily EASE-Grid 2.0 Brightness Temperature ESDR M. J. Brodzik, D. G. Long, M. A. Hardman, A. Paget, and R. Armstrong

Daily Lake Ice Phenology Time Series Derived from AMSR-E and AMSR2 Jinyang Du and John Kimball

Historical Great Lakes Ice Cover NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory

ESA Lakes Climate Change Initiative (Lakes_cci): Lake products J. -F. Crétaux, C. J. Merchant, C. Duguay, S. Simis, B. Calmettes, M. Bergé-Nguyen, Y. Wu, D. Zhang, L. Carrea, X. Liu, N. Selmes, and M. Warren

Estimating the volume and age of water stored in global lakes using a geo-statistical approach ( M. L. Messager, B. Lehner, G. Grill, I. Nedeva, and O. Schmitt

Short summary
Seasonal ice cover is one of the important attributes of lakes in middle- and high-latitude regions. This study used passive microwave brightness temperature measurements to extract the ice phenology for 56 lakes across the Northern Hemisphere from 1979 to 2019. A threshold algorithm was applied according to the differences in brightness temperature between lake ice and open water. The dataset will provide valuable information about the changing ice cover of lakes over the last 4 decades.
Final-revised paper