Articles | Volume 14, issue 7
Data description paper
19 Jul 2022
Data description paper |  | 19 Jul 2022

Rescue and homogenization of 140 years of glacier mass balance data in Switzerland

Lea Geibel, Matthias Huss, Claudia Kurzböck, Elias Hodel, Andreas Bauder, and Daniel Farinotti

Data sets

Swiss Glacier Point Mass Balance Observations GLAMOS

Short summary
Glacier monitoring in Switzerland started in the 19th century, providing exceptional data series documenting snow accumulation and ice melt. Raw point observations of surface mass balance have, however, never been systematically compiled so far, including complete metadata. Here, we present an extensive dataset with more than 60 000 point observations of surface mass balance covering 60 Swiss glaciers and almost 140 years, promoting a better understanding of the drivers of recent glacier change.
Final-revised paper