Articles | Volume 14, issue 7
Data description paper
11 Jul 2022
Data description paper |  | 11 Jul 2022

STAR NDSI collection: a cloud-free MODIS NDSI dataset (2001–2020) for China

Yinghong Jing, Xinghua Li, and Huanfeng Shen

Data sets

STAR NDSI collection: A cloud-free MODIS NDSI dataset (2001–2020) for China Yinghong Jing, Xinghua Li, and Huanfeng Shen

MODIS daily cloudless binary snow products in Northern Hemisphere from 2000 to 2015 X. Huang

Daily Fractional Snow Cover (FSC) Data set over High Asia Y. Qiu, X. Wang, L. Han, L. Chang, and L. Shi

Observational snow depth dataset of the Tibetan Plateau (Version 1.0) (1961-2013) National Meteorological Information Center and Tibet Meteorological Bureau, China

MODIS/Terra CGF Snow Cover Daily L3 Global 500m SIN Grid, Version 61 D. K. Hall and G. A. Riggs

Model code and software

A spatio-temporal adaptive fusion method with error correction for cloud-free MODIS NDSI estimation (Version 01) Yinghong Jing

Short summary
Snow variation is a vital factor in global climate change. Satellite-based approaches are effective for large-scale environmental monitoring. Nevertheless, the high cloud fraction seriously impedes the remote-sensed investigation. Therefore, a recent 20-year cloud-free snow cover collection in China is generated for the first time. This collection can serve as a basic dataset for hydrological and climatic modeling to explore various critical environmental issues.
Final-revised paper