Articles | Volume 14, issue 7
Data description paper
05 Jul 2022
Data description paper |  | 05 Jul 2022

Third revision of the global surface seawater dimethyl sulfide climatology (DMS-Rev3)

Shrivardhan Hulswar, Rafel Simó, Martí Galí, Thomas G. Bell, Arancha Lana, Swaleha Inamdar, Paul R. Halloran, George Manville, and Anoop Sharad Mahajan


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Latest update: 19 Sep 2024
Short summary
The third climatological estimation of sea surface dimethyl sulfide (DMS) concentrations based on in situ measurements was created (DMS-Rev3). The update includes a much larger input dataset and includes improvements in the data unification, filtering, and smoothing algorithm. The DMS-Rev3 climatology provides more realistic monthly estimates of DMS, and shows significant regional differences compared to past climatologies.
Final-revised paper