Articles | Volume 14, issue 6
Data description paper
21 Jun 2022
Data description paper |  | 21 Jun 2022

HOTRUNZ: an open-access 1 km resolution monthly 1910–2019 time series of interpolated temperature and rainfall grids with associated uncertainty for New Zealand

Thomas R. Etherington, George L. W. Perry, and Janet M. Wilmshurst

Data sets

Data for A History of Open Temperature and Rainfall with Uncertainty in New Zealand (HOTRUNZ) Thomas R. Etherington, George L. W. Perry, Janet M. Wilmshurst

Model code and software

Code for A History of Open Temperature and Rainfall with Uncertainty in New Zealand (HOTRUNZ) Thomas R. Etherington

pyproj4/pyproj: 2.6.1 Alan D. Snow, Jeff Whitaker, Micah Cochran, Joris Van den Bossche, Chris Mayo, Jos de Kloe, Charles Karney, George Ouzounoudis, Justin Dearing, Guillaume Lostis, Heitor, Filipe, Ryan May, Mikhail Itkin, Bas Couwenberg, Greg Berardinelli, The Gitter Badger, Nick Eubank, Michael Dunphy, Matthew Brett, Martin Raspaud, Marco Aurélio da Costa, Kristian Evers, Joe Ranalli, Jakob de Maeyer, Eduard Popov, Christoph Gohlke, Chris Willoughby, Chris Barker, and Bernhard M. Wiedemann

Short summary
Long time series of temperature and rainfall grids are fundamental to understanding how these variables affects environmental or ecological patterns and processes. We present a History of Open Temperature and Rainfall with Uncertainty in New Zealand (HOTRUNZ) that is an open-access dataset that provides monthly 1 km resolution grids of rainfall and mean, minimum, and maximum daily temperatures with associated uncertainties for New Zealand from 1910 to 2019.
Final-revised paper