Articles | Volume 14, issue 5
Data description paper
18 May 2022
Data description paper |  | 18 May 2022

Concentrations and fluxes of suspended particulate matter and associated contaminants in the Rhône River from Lake Geneva to the Mediterranean Sea

Hugo Lepage, Alexandra Gruat, Fabien Thollet, Jérôme Le Coz, Marina Coquery, Matthieu Masson, Aymeric Dabrin, Olivier Radakovitch, Jérôme Labille, Jean-Paul Ambrosi, Doriane Delanghe, and Patrick Raimbault


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Short summary
The dataset contains concentrations and fluxes of suspended particle matter (SPM) and several particle-bound contaminants along the Rhône River downstream of Lake Geneva. These data allow us to understand the dynamics and origins. They show the impact of flood events which mainly contribute to a decrease in the contaminant concentrations while fluxes are significant. On the contrary, concentrations are higher during low flow periods probably due to the increase of organic matter.
Final-revised paper