Articles | Volume 14, issue 5
Data description paper
12 May 2022
Data description paper |  | 12 May 2022

River network and hydro-geomorphological parameters at 1∕12° resolution for global hydrological and climate studies

Simon Munier and Bertrand Decharme

Data sets

River network and hydro-geomorphological parameters at 1/12° resolution for global hydrological and climate studies Munier Simon and Decharme Bertrand

Model code and software

River network and hydro-geomorphological parameters at 1/12° resolution for global hydrological and climate studies Munier Simon and Decharme Bertrand

Short summary
This paper presents a new global-scale river network at 1/12°, generated automatically and assessed over the 69 largest basins of the world. A set of hydro-geomorphological parameters are derived at the same spatial resolution, including a description of river stretches (length, slope, width, roughness, bankfull depth), floodplains (roughness, sub-grid topography) and aquifers (transmissivity, porosity, sub-grid topography). The dataset may be useful for hydrology modelling or climate studies.
Final-revised paper