Articles | Volume 14, issue 4
Data description paper
13 Apr 2022
Data description paper |  | 13 Apr 2022

High-resolution land use and land cover dataset for regional climate modelling: a plant functional type map for Europe 2015

Vanessa Reinhart, Peter Hoffmann, Diana Rechid, Jürgen Böhner, and Benjamin Bechtel

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Manuscript not accepted for further review
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Short summary
The LANDMATE plant functional type (PFT) land cover dataset for Europe 2015 (Version 1.0) is a gridded, high-resolution dataset for use in regional climate models. LANDMATE PFT is prepared using the expertise of regional climate modellers all over Europe and is easily adjustable to fit into different climate model families. We provide comprehensive spatial quality information for LANDMATE PFT, which can be used to reduce uncertainty in regional climate model simulations.
Final-revised paper