Articles | Volume 13, issue 3
Data description paper
09 Mar 2021
Data description paper |  | 09 Mar 2021

A solar optical hyperspectral library of rare-earth-bearing minerals, rare-earth oxide powders, copper-bearing minerals and Apliki mine surface samples

Friederike Koerting, Nicole Koellner, Agnieszka Kuras, Nina Kristin Boesche, Christian Rogass, Christian Mielke, Kirsten Elger, and Uwe Altenberger

Data sets

Mineral reflectance spectra and chemistry of 20 copper-bearing minerals Nicole Koellner, Friederike Koerting, Marcel Horning, Christian Mielke, and Uwe Altenberger

Mineral reflectance spectra and chemistry of 29 rare earth-bearing minerals and rare earth oxide powders including niobium- and tantalum-oxide powder Friederike Koerting, Sabrina Herrmann, Nina Kristin Boesche, Christian Rogass, Christian Mielke, Nicole Koellner, and Uwe Altenberger

Mineral reflectance spectra and chemistry of 37 copper-bearing surface samples from Apliki copper-gold-pyrite mine in the Republic of Cyprus Friederike Koerting, Christian Rogass, Nicole Koellner, Agnieszka Kuras, MarcelHorning, and Uwe Altenberger

Short summary
Mineral resource exploration and mining is an essential part of today's high-tech industry. Modern remote-sensing exploration techniques from multiple platforms (e.g., satellite) to detect the spectral characteristics of the surface require spectral libraries as an essential reference. To enable remote mapping, the spectral libraries for rare-earth-bearing minerals, copper-bearing minerals and surface samples from a copper mine are presented here with their corresponding geochemical validation.