Articles | Volume 13, issue 12
Data description paper
08 Dec 2021
Data description paper |  | 08 Dec 2021

Landsat-based Irrigation Dataset (LANID): 30 m resolution maps of irrigation distribution, frequency, and change for the US, 1997–2017

Yanhua Xie, Holly K. Gibbs, and Tyler J. Lark


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Short summary
We created 30 m resolution annual irrigation maps covering the conterminous US for the period of 1997–2017, together with derivative products and ground reference data. The products have several improvements over other data, including field-level details of change and frequency, an annual time step, a collection of ~ 10 000 ground reference locations for the eastern US, and improved mapping accuracy of over 90 %, especially in the east compared to others of 50 % to 80 %.
Final-revised paper