Articles | Volume 13, issue 12
Data description paper
07 Dec 2021
Data description paper |  | 07 Dec 2021

Next generation of Bluelink ocean reanalysis with multiscale data assimilation: BRAN2020

Matthew A. Chamberlain, Peter R. Oke, Russell A. S. Fiedler, Helen M. Beggs, Gary B. Brassington, and Prasanth Divakaran

Data sets

Bluelink Ocean Reanalysis - BRAN2020 Chamberlain, Matthew A. , Oke, Peter R. , Fiedler, Russell

Short summary
BRAN2020 is a dynamical reconstruction of the ocean, combining observations with a high-resolution global ocean model. BRAN2020 currently spans January 1993 to December 2019, assimilating in situ temperature and salinity, as well as satellite-based sea level and sea surface temperature. A new multiscale approach to data assimilation constrains the broad-scale ocean properties and turbulent mesoscale dynamics in two steps, showing closer agreement to observations than all previous versions.
Final-revised paper