Articles | Volume 13, issue 8
Data description paper
20 Aug 2021
Data description paper |  | 20 Aug 2021

An integrated marine data collection for the German Bight – Part 1: Subaqueous geomorphology and surface sedimentology (1996–2016)

Julian Sievers, Peter Milbradt, Romina Ihde, Jennifer Valerius, Robert Hagen, and Andreas Plüß

Data sets

EasyGSG-DB: Subject area - Geomorphology J. Sievers, M. Rubel, and P. Milbradt

EasyGSG-DB: Subject area - Sedimentology J. Sievers, M. Rubel, and P. Milbradt

Short summary
Numerous coastal and marine actors, from both the public and private sectors, require bathymetric and surface sedimentological data for a wide range of economic applications and scientific analyses. With this publication, we establish an open-access, integrated marine data collection for the German Bight from 1996 to 2016 with bathymetric and sedimentological models that provide base data in an unprocessed form, as well as a range of base analysis products for easy accessibility.
Final-revised paper