Articles | Volume 13, issue 2
Data description paper
11 Feb 2021
Data description paper |  | 11 Feb 2021

Database of global glendonite and ikaite records throughout the Phanerozoic

Mikhail Rogov, Victoria Ershova, Oleg Vereshchagin, Kseniia Vasileva, Kseniia Mikhailova, and Aleksei Krylov

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Cited articles

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Short summary
A database of a modern metastable cold-water mineral (ikaite) and its replacement mineral (glendonite) spanning 540 million years has been created to understand their distribution in space and time. A significant body of evidence suggests that glendonite occurrences are restricted mainly to cold-water settings; however they do not occur during every glaciation or cooling event reported from the Phanerozoic. This compilation improves our understanding of climatic conditions of the past.
Final-revised paper