Articles | Volume 13, issue 6
Data description paper
04 Jun 2021
Data description paper |  | 04 Jun 2021

STH-net: a soil monitoring network for process-based hydrological modelling from the pedon to the hillslope scale

Edoardo Martini, Matteo Bauckholt, Simon Kögler, Manuel Kreck, Kurt Roth, Ulrike Werban, Ute Wollschläger, and Steffen Zacharias

Data sets

STH-net Edoardo Martini, Simon Kögler, Manuel Kreck, Ulrike Werban, Ute Wollschläger, and Steffen Zacharias

Short summary
We present the in situ data available from the soil monitoring network STH-net, recently implemented at the Schäfertal Hillslope site (Germany). The STH-net provides data (soil water content, soil temperature, water level, and meteorological variables – measured at a 10 min interval since 1 January 2019) for developing and testing modelling approaches in the context of vadose zone hydrology at spatial scales ranging from the pedon to the hillslope.
Final-revised paper