Articles | Volume 13, issue 5
Data description paper
03 May 2021
Data description paper |  | 03 May 2021

A new satellite-derived dataset for marine aquaculture areas in China's coastal region

Yongyong Fu, Jinsong Deng, Hongquan Wang, Alexis Comber, Wu Yang, Wenqiang Wu, Shixue You, Yi Lin, and Ke Wang

Data sets

A new satellite-derived dataset for marine aquaculture in the China's coastal region Yongyong Fu, Jinsong Deng, Hongquan Wang, Alexis Comber, Wu Yang, Wenqiang Wu, Shixue You, Yi Lin, and Ke Wang

Short summary
Marine aquaculture areas in a region up to 30 km from the coast in China were mapped for the first time. It was found to cover a total area of ~1100 km2, of which more than 85 % is marine plant culture areas, with 87 % found in four coastal provinces. The results confirm the applicability and effectiveness of deep learning when applied to GF-1 data at the national scale, identifying the detailed spatial distributions and supporting the sustainable management of coastal resources in China.
Final-revised paper