Articles | Volume 13, issue 4
Data description paper
12 Apr 2021
Data description paper |  | 12 Apr 2021

Dynamics of shallow wakes on gravel-bed floodplains: dataset from field experiments

Oleksandra O. Shumilova, Alexander N. Sukhodolov, George S. Constantinescu, and Bruce J. MacVicar

Data sets

Dataset on the dynamics of shallow wakes in gravel-bed floodplains: results of the field experiments on the Tagliamento River, Italy O. Shumilova, A. Sukhodolov, G. Constantinescu, and B. MacVicar

Short summary
Obstructions (vegetation and/or boulders) located on a riverbed alter flow structure and affect riverbed morphology and biodiversity. We studied flow dynamics around obstructions by carrying out experiments in a gravel-bed river. Flow rates, size, submergence and solid fractions of the obstructions were varied in a set of 30 experimental runs, in which high-resolution patterns of mean and turbulent flow were obtained. For an introduction to the experiments see:
Final-revised paper