Articles | Volume 12, issue 4
Data description paper
21 Dec 2020
Data description paper |  | 21 Dec 2020

A cultivated planet in 2010 – Part 2: The global gridded agricultural-production maps

Qiangyi Yu, Liangzhi You, Ulrike Wood-Sichra, Yating Ru, Alison K. B. Joglekar, Steffen Fritz, Wei Xiong, Miao Lu, Wenbin Wu, and Peng Yang


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Latest update: 29 Jun 2024
Short summary
SPAM makes plausible estimates of crop distribution within disaggregated units. It moves the data from coarser units such as countries and provinces to finer units such as grid cells and creates a global gridscape at the confluence between earth and agricultural-production systems. It improves spatial understanding of crop production systems and allows policymakers to better target agricultural- and rural-development policies for increasing food security with minimal environmental impacts.
Final-revised paper