Articles | Volume 12, issue 1
Data description paper
13 Feb 2020
Data description paper |  | 13 Feb 2020

Integrated dataset of deformation measurements in fractured volcanic tuff and meteorological data (Coroglio coastal cliff, Naples, Italy)

Fabio Matano, Mauro Caccavale, Giuseppe Esposito, Alberto Fortelli, Germana Scepi, Maria Spano, and Marco Sacchi


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Short summary
Along the coastline of the Phlegraean Fields, Naples, Italy, severe retreat processes affect the tuff coastal cliffs, causing hazardous slope failures. An integrated monitoring system coupled with a weather station has been active since 2014. The measurements allowed us to assess the magnitude and temporal pattern of rock block deformations before failure and their correlation with meteorological parameters. A close correlation between temperature and deformation trends has been recognized.
Final-revised paper