Articles | Volume 12, issue 4
Data description paper
25 Nov 2020
Data description paper |  | 25 Nov 2020

The CH-IRP data set: a decade of fortnightly data on δ2H and δ18O in streamflow and precipitation in Switzerland

Maria Staudinger, Stefan Seeger, Barbara Herbstritt, Michael Stoelzle, Jan Seibert, Kerstin Stahl, and Markus Weiler


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Short summary
The data set CH-IRP provides isotope composition in precipitation and streamflow from 23 Swiss catchments, being unique regarding its long-term multi-catchment coverage along an alpine–pre-alpine gradient. CH-IRP contains fortnightly time series of stable water isotopes from streamflow grab samples complemented by time series in precipitation. Sampling conditions, catchment and climate information, lab standards and errors are provided together with areal precipitation and catchment boundaries.
Final-revised paper