Articles | Volume 12, issue 3
Data description paper
17 Aug 2020
Data description paper |  | 17 Aug 2020

An integration of gauge, satellite, and reanalysis precipitation datasets for the largest river basin of the Tibetan Plateau

Yuanwei Wang, Lei Wang, Xiuping Li, Jing Zhou, and Zhidan Hu

Data sets

High temporal and spatial resolution precipitation data of Upper Brahmaputra River Basin (1981-2016) Yuanwei Wang, Lei Wang, Xiuping Li, and Jing Zhou

Short summary
This article is to provide a better precipitation product for the largest river basin of the Tibetan Plateau, the upper Brahmaputra River basin, suitable for use in hydrological simulations and other climate change studies. We integrate gauge, satellite, and reanalysis precipitation datasets to generate a new dataset. The new product has been rigorously validated at various temporal and spatial scales with gauge precipitation observations as well as in cryosphere hydrological simulations.
Final-revised paper