Articles | Volume 11, issue 3
Data description paper
07 Aug 2019
Data description paper |  | 07 Aug 2019

STEAD: a high-resolution daily gridded temperature dataset for Spain

Roberto Serrano-Notivoli, Santiago Beguería, and Martín de Luis

Data sets

STEAD (Spanish TEmperature At Daily scale) R. Serrano-Notivoli, M. De Luis, and S. Beguería

Short summary
Spanish TEmperature At Daily scale (STEAD) is a new daily gridded maximum and minimum temperature dataset for Spain. It covers the whole territory of peninsular Spain and the Balearic and Canary Islands at a 5 km × 5 km spatial resolution for the 1901–2014 period. This product is useful not only for climatic analysis but also to provide support to any other climate-related variable and for decision-making purposes.
Final-revised paper