Articles | Volume 10, issue 4
Review article
23 Oct 2018
Review article |  | 23 Oct 2018

The SUMup dataset: compiled measurements of surface mass balance components over ice sheets and sea ice with analysis over Greenland

Lynn Montgomery, Lora Koenig, and Patrick Alexander


Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Short summary
The SUMup dataset is a standardized, expandable, community dataset of Arctic and Antarctic observations of surface mass balance components, including snow/firn density, snow accumulation on land ice, and snow depth on sea ice. The measurements in this dataset were compiled from field notes, papers, technical reports, and digital files. We use these observations to monitor change in the polar regions and evaluate model output as well as remote sensing measurements.
Final-revised paper