Articles | Volume 10, issue 3
20 Jul 2018
 | 20 Jul 2018

A general database of hydrometeor single scattering properties at microwave and sub-millimetre wavelengths

Patrick Eriksson, Robin Ekelund, Jana Mendrok, Manfred Brath, Oliver Lemke, and Stefan A. Buehler

Data sets

ARTS Microwave Single Scattering Properties Database R. Ekelund, M. Brath, J. Mendrok, and P. Eriksson

Model code and software

ARTS Microwave Single Scattering Properties Database Interfaces J. Mendrok, P. Eriksson, R. Ekelund, and M. Brath

Short summary
A main application of microwave remote sensing is to observe atmospheric particles consisting of ice. This application requires data on how particles with different shapes and sizes affect the observations. A database of such properties has been developed. The database is the most comprehensive of its type. Main strengths are a good representation of particles of aggregate type and broad frequency coverage.
Final-revised paper