26 Mar 2025
 | 26 Mar 2025
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESSD.

Dynamics of China’s Forest Carbon Storage: The First 30 m Annual Aboveground Biomass Mapping from 1985 to 2023

Yaotong Cai, Peng Zhu, Xing Li, Xiaoping Liu, Yuhe Chen, Qianhui Shen, Xiaocong Xu, Honghui Zhang, Sheng Nie, Cheng Wang, Jia Wang, Bingjie Li, Changjiang Wu, and Haoming Zhuang

Abstract. Accurate estimation and monitoring of forest aboveground biomass (AGB) are essential for understanding carbon dynamics, managing forest resources, and guiding environmental policies. However, the spatial and temporal patterns, dynamics, and driving factors of forest AGB in China over recent decades remain insufficiently understood, hindering ecosystem analysis and forest management strategies. This study combines multi-source remote sensing data with residual neural networks (ResNets) to develop the first 30 m resolution annual China Forest AGB dataset (1985–2023) with uncertainty quantification. Validation results confirm the robustness of the ResNets model, achieving an R2 of 0.92, RMSE of 16.06 Mg/ha, and Bias of 0.06 Mg/ha against GEDI footprint AGBD, and an R2 of 0.63, RMSE of 68.26 Mg/ha, and Bias of -19.87 Mg/ha against independent multi-year ground survey data. The dataset reveals a notable increase in China’s average forest aboveground biomass density (AGBD) from 95.74±11.30 Mg/ha in 1985 to 122.69±13.94 Mg/ha in 2023. During this period, total forest aboveground carbon (AGC) stock rose from 5.50±0.23 PgC to 13.97±0.87 PgC, establishing China’s forests as a significant carbon sink over the past four decades, with a net carbon sink of 0.22±0.01 PgC yr⁻¹, offsetting 11.5 %–14.9 % of China’s fossil fuel and industrial emissions. Forest growth contributed 65.1 % (5.75 PgC) of the total AGC increase, while forest expansion accounted for 34.9 % (3.09 PgC). This dataset provides critical information for forest carbon accounting in China and offers valuable insights for climate change mitigation, ecosystem conservation, and sustainable land management.

Competing interests: At least one of the (co-)authors is a member of the editorial board of Earth System Science Data.

Publisher's note: Copernicus Publications remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims made in the text, published maps, institutional affiliations, or any other geographical representation in this preprint. The responsibility to include appropriate place names lies with the authors.
Yaotong Cai, Peng Zhu, Xing Li, Xiaoping Liu, Yuhe Chen, Qianhui Shen, Xiaocong Xu, Honghui Zhang, Sheng Nie, Cheng Wang, Jia Wang, Bingjie Li, Changjiang Wu, and Haoming Zhuang

Status: open (until 02 May 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Yaotong Cai, Peng Zhu, Xing Li, Xiaoping Liu, Yuhe Chen, Qianhui Shen, Xiaocong Xu, Honghui Zhang, Sheng Nie, Cheng Wang, Jia Wang, Bingjie Li, Changjiang Wu, and Haoming Zhuang

Data sets

CFATD: The First High-Spatiotemporal-Resolution Mapping of Forest Aboveground Biomass in China from 1985 to 2023 (Part Ⅵ: 2022-2023) Yaotong Cai, Peng Zhu, Xing Li, Xiaoping Liu, Yuhe Chen, Qianhui Shen, Xiaocong Xu, Honghui Zhang, Sheng Nie, Cheng Wang, Jia Wang, Bingjie Li, Changjiang Wu, and Haoming Zhuang

CFATD: The First High-Spatiotemporal-Resolution Mapping of Forest Aboveground Biomass in China from 1985 to 2023 (Part Ⅴ: 2016-2021) Yaotong Cai, Peng Zhu, Xing Li, Xiaoping Liu, Yuhe Chen, Qianhui Shen, Xiaocong Xu, Honghui Zhang, Sheng Nie, Cheng Wang, Jia Wang, Bingjie Li, Changjiang Wu, and Haoming Zhuang

CFATD: The First High-Spatiotemporal-Resolution Mapping of Forest Aboveground Biomass in China from 1985 to 2023 (Part Ⅳ: 2009-2015) Yaotong Cai, Peng Zhu, Xing Li, Xiaoping Liu, Yuhe Chen, Qianhui Shen, Xiaocong Xu, Honghui Zhang, Sheng Nie, Cheng Wang, Jia Wang, Bingjie Li, Changjiang Wu, and Haoming Zhuang

CFATD: The First High-Spatiotemporal-Resolution Mapping of Forest Aboveground Biomass in China from 1985 to 2023 (Part Ⅲ: 2002-2008) Yaotong Cai, Peng Zhu, Xing Li, Xiaoping Liu, Yuhe Chen, Qianhui Shen, Xiaocong Xu, Honghui Zhang, Sheng Nie, Cheng Wang, Jia Wang, Bingjie Li, Changjiang Wu, and Haoming Zhuang

CFATD: The First High-Spatiotemporal-Resolution Mapping of Forest Aboveground Biomass in China from 1985 to 2023 (Part Ⅱ: 1994-2001) Yaotong Cai, Peng Zhu, Xing Li, Xiaoping Liu, Yuhe Chen, Qianhui Shen, Xiaocong Xu, Honghui Zhang, Sheng Nie, Cheng Wang, Jia Wang, Bingjie Li, Changjiang Wu, and Haoming Zhuang

CFATD: The First High-Spatiotemporal-Resolution Mapping of Forest Aboveground Biomass in China from 1985 to 2023 (Part Ⅰ: 1985-1993) Yaotong Cai, Peng Zhu, Xing Li, Xiaoping Liu, Yuhe Chen, Qianhui Shen, Xiaocong Xu, Honghui Zhang, Sheng Nie, Cheng Wang, Jia Wang, Bingjie Li, Changjiang Wu, and Haoming Zhuang

Yaotong Cai, Peng Zhu, Xing Li, Xiaoping Liu, Yuhe Chen, Qianhui Shen, Xiaocong Xu, Honghui Zhang, Sheng Nie, Cheng Wang, Jia Wang, Bingjie Li, Changjiang Wu, and Haoming Zhuang


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Short summary
China’s forests play a crucial role in storing carbon and mitigating climate change, yet long-term, high-resolution data on their biomass have been limited. We developed a 30-m annual forest aboveground biomass dataset from 1985 to 2023 using satellite data and deep learning. Our results reveal significant biomass gains, regional variations, and the impact of forest policies. This dataset provides valuable insights for climate research, conservation planning, and sustainable forest management.