16 Jan 2025
 | 16 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESSD.

ESA CCI Soil Moisture GAPFILLED: An independent global gap-free satellite climate data record with uncertainty estimates

Wolfgang Preimesberger, Pietro Stradiotti, and Wouter Dorigo

Abstract. The ESA CCI Soil Moisture multi-satellite climate data record is a widely used dataset for large-scale hydrological and climatological applications and studies. However, data gaps in the record can affect derived statistics such as long-term trends, and – if not taken into account – can potentially lead to inaccurate conclusions. Here, we present a novel gap-free dataset, covering the period from January 1991 to December 2023. Our dataset distinguishes itself from other gap-filled products, as it is purely based on the available soil moisture measurements (independent of ancillary variables to make predictions), and further due to the inclusion of uncertainty estimates for all interpolated data points.

Our gap-filling framework is based on a well-established univariate Discrete Cosine Transform with Penalized Least Squares (DCT-PLS) algorithm. This ensures that the dataset remains fully independent of other soil moisture and biogeophysical datasets, and eliminates the risk of introducing non-soil moisture features from other variables. We apply DCT-PLS on a spatial moving window basis to predict missing data points based on temporal and regional neighbourhood information. The challenge of providing gap-free estimates during extended periods of frozen soils is addressed by applying a linear interpolation for these periods, which approximates the retention of frozen water in the soil. To quantify the inherent uncertainties in our predictions, we developed an uncertainty estimation model that considers the input observations quality and the performance of the gap-filling algorithm under different surface conditions. We evaluate our algorithm through performance metrics with independent in situ reference measurements and by its ability to restore GLDAS Noah reanalysis data in artificially introduced satellite-like gaps. We find that the gap-filled data performs comparable to the original observations in terms of correlation and ubRMSD with in situ data (global median R = 0.72, ubRMSD = 0.05 m3m-3. However, in some complex environments with sparse observation coverage, performance is lower.

The new ESA CCI SM v09.1 GAPFILLED dataset is publicly available at (Preimesberger et al., 2024) and will see yearly updates due to its inclusion in the operational ESA CCI SM production.

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Wolfgang Preimesberger, Pietro Stradiotti, and Wouter Dorigo

Status: final response (author comments only)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on essd-2024-610', Anonymous Referee #1, 11 Feb 2025
  • RC2: 'Comment on essd-2024-610', Anonymous Referee #2, 03 Mar 2025
Wolfgang Preimesberger, Pietro Stradiotti, and Wouter Dorigo

Data sets

ESA CCI SM GAPFILLED Long-term Climate Data Record of Surface Soil Moisture from merged multi-satellite observations W. Preimesberger, P. Stradiotti, and W. Dorigo

Wolfgang Preimesberger, Pietro Stradiotti, and Wouter Dorigo


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Latest update: 06 Mar 2025
Short summary
We introduce the official ESA CCI Soil Moisture GAPFILLED climate data record. A univariate interpolation algorithm is applied to predict missing data points without relying on ancillary variables. The dataset includes gap-free uncertainty estimates for all predictions and was validated with independent in situ reference measurements. The data are recommended for applications, which require global long-term gap-free satellite soil moisture data.