27 Jan 2025
 | 27 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESSD.

The German Small Lake and Pond Inventory

Alexander Wachholz, Susanne Isabel Schmidt, Jens Arle, and Jeanette Völker

Abstract. Small lakes and ponds are hotspots of biodiversity, biogeochemical reactions, and hydrological interactions in the landscape. While mostly providing the same functions as larger lakes, they often do so at higher rates per unit area. Exponentially more abundant than larger lakes, small lakes, and ponds contribute significantly to biodiversity, nutrient retention, and the water budget, even at large spatial scales. However, they are rarely considered in regional or larger-scale environmental studies, partly due to a lack of data. To alleviate this, we developed the German Small Lake and Pond Inventory (GSLPI), a comprehensive database of over 260.000 small lakes and ponds ranging in size from 10 to 500.000 m2 (50 ha or 0.5 km2). Using only openly available data from Germany’s federal states, we provide information on lake or pond location, shape, depth, volume, and connectivity. With this database, we aim to facilitate the integration of small lakes and ponds into environmental research and enhance understanding of their roles within changing landscapes.

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Alexander Wachholz, Susanne Isabel Schmidt, Jens Arle, and Jeanette Völker

Status: open (until 05 Mar 2025)

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Alexander Wachholz, Susanne Isabel Schmidt, Jens Arle, and Jeanette Völker

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German small lake and pond inventory (GSLPI) Alexander Wachholz

Alexander Wachholz, Susanne Isabel Schmidt, Jens Arle, and Jeanette Völker


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Short summary
Small lakes and ponds are provide many functions for the environment. Because of their size they are often not considered in scientific studies. We collected all the information on those lakes and ponds for Germany and combined it to a database. We described the ponds in detail, for example how deep they might by, how much water they can store or if they are connected to rivers. We found more than 260.000 lakes and ponds in Germany.