29 Jan 2025
 | 29 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESSD.

Long history paddy rice mapping across Northeast China with deep learning and annual result enhancement method

Zihui Zhang, Lang Xia, Fen Zhao, Yue Gu, Jing Yang, Yan Zha, Shangrong Wu, and Peng Yang

Abstract. Northeast China, a significant production base for paddy rice, has received lots of attention in crop mapping. However, understanding the spatiotemporal dynamics of paddy rice expansion in this region remains limited, making it difficult to track the changes in paddy rice planting over time. For the first time, this study utilized multi-sensor Landsat data and a deep learning model, the full resolution network (FR-Net), to explore the annual mapping of paddy rice for Northeast China from 1985 to 2023 (available at, Zhang et al., 2024). First, a cross-sensor paddy training dataset comprising 155 Landsat images was created to map the paddy rice. Then, we developed the annual result enhancement (ARE) method, which considers the differences in category probability of FR-Net at different stages to diminish the impact of the limited training sample in large-scale and across-sensors paddy rice mapping. The accuracy of the paddy rice dataset was evaluated using 107954 ground truth samples. In comparison to traditional rice mapping methods, the results obtained using the ARE method showed a 6 % increase in the F1 score. The overall mapping result obtained from the FR-Net model and ARE methods achieved high user accuracy (UA), producer accuracy (PA), F1 score, and Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) values of 0.92, 0.95, 0.93, and 0.81, respectively. The study revealed that the area used for paddy rice cultivation in Northeast China increased from 1.11×104 km2 to 6.45×104 km2. Between 1985 and 2023, there was an overall expansion of 5.34×104 km2 in the paddy rice cultivation area, with the highest growth (4.33×104 km2) occurring in Heilongjiang province. This study shows that long-history crop mapping could be achieved with deep learning, and the result of paddy rice will be beneficial for making timely adjustments to cultivation patterns and ensuring food security.

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Zihui Zhang, Lang Xia, Fen Zhao, Yue Gu, Jing Yang, Yan Zha, Shangrong Wu, and Peng Yang

Status: open (until 07 Mar 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on essd-2024-516', Anonymous Referee #1, 13 Feb 2025 reply
Zihui Zhang, Lang Xia, Fen Zhao, Yue Gu, Jing Yang, Yan Zha, Shangrong Wu, and Peng Yang

Data sets

Long history paddy rice mapping across Northeast China with deep learning and annual result enhancement method Zihui Zhang, Lang Xia, Fen Zhao, Yue Gu, Jing Yang, Yan Zha, Shangrong Wu, and Peng Yang

Model code and software

Paddy Lang Xia

Zihui Zhang, Lang Xia, Fen Zhao, Yue Gu, Jing Yang, Yan Zha, Shangrong Wu, and Peng Yang


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Short summary
We utilized multi-source data and a deep learning model to explore the annual mapping of rice for Northeast China from 1985 to 2023. First, a rice training dataset comprising 155 images was created. Then, we developed the annual result enhancement (ARE) method to diminish the impact of the limited training sample. In comparison to traditional rice mapping methods, the accuracy of results obtained using the ARE method is significantly improved.