05 Sep 2024
 | 05 Sep 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESSD.

30 months dataset of glider physico-chemical data off Mayotte Island near the Fani Maoré volcano

Alexandre Heumann, Félix Margirier, Emmanuel Rinnert, Pascale Lherminier, Carla Scalabrin, Louis Geli, Orens Pasqueron de Fommervault, and Laurent Beguery

Abstract. In May 2018, an unprecedented long and intense seismic-volcanic crisis broke out off the island of Mayotte (Indian Ocean) and was associated with the birth of an underwater volcano (Fani Maoré). Since then, an integrated observation network has been created (REVOSIMA), with the given objective of monitoring and better understanding underwater volcanic phenomena. Recently, an unmanned submarine glider (SeaExplorer glider) has been deployed to supplement the data obtained during a series of oceanographic surveys (MAYOBS) carried out on an annual basis. Operated by ALSEAMAR, the glider performed a continuous monitoring of 30 months of the water column from the sea surface to 1250 meters water depth with the objective to acquire hydrological properties, water currents and dissolved gas concentrations. This monitoring already showed that it is feasible and valuable to measure autonomously, continuously and at a high spatio-temporal scale, physical (temperature, salinity, ocean current) and biogeochemical parameters (O2, CH4, CO2, bubbles/droplets, vertical speeds anomalies related to droplets) over several months from a glider. In particular, innovating sensing capabilities (e.g., MINICO2, ADCP) have shown a great potential in the context of the Mayotte seismic volcano crisis, despite technical challenges (complex algorithms, sensor capabilities, etc.).

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Alexandre Heumann, Félix Margirier, Emmanuel Rinnert, Pascale Lherminier, Carla Scalabrin, Louis Geli, Orens Pasqueron de Fommervault, and Laurent Beguery

Status: open (until 10 Nov 2024)

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Alexandre Heumann, Félix Margirier, Emmanuel Rinnert, Pascale Lherminier, Carla Scalabrin, Louis Geli, Orens Pasqueron de Fommervault, and Laurent Beguery
Alexandre Heumann, Félix Margirier, Emmanuel Rinnert, Pascale Lherminier, Carla Scalabrin, Louis Geli, Orens Pasqueron de Fommervault, and Laurent Beguery


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Short summary
Following an seismic crisis in May 2018 in Mayotte, an observation network has been created with the given objective of monitoring this volcanic phenomena. A SeaExplorer glider has been deployed to supplement the data obtained during a series of oceanographic surveys. The glider performed a continuous monitoring of 30 months of the water column from the sea surface to 1250 meters water depth with the objective to acquire hydrological properties, water currents and dissolved gas concentrations.