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Seeing through the Sea with Satellites: Reconstructing Ocean Subsurface Temperature and Salinity with Satellite Observations
Abstract. In-situ measurements of ocean temperature and salinity are critical to ocean-related studies but are limited in space and time. Satellite retrievals provide high-resolution, globally-covered sea surface temperature (SST), salinity (SSS) and cannot directly measure the subsurface information., and height (SSH), but are limited to the ocean surface and cannot directly measure the subsurface information. Here we design a physics-informed algorithm that can reconstruct the vertical distributions of upper ocean temperature and salinity based purely on satellite observations. The algorithm stresses the tight ocean surface-subsurface coupling and the co-variability of ocean temperature and salinity. It is firstly tested with climate model simulations and then validated with actual observations by Argo floats, moored buoys and multiple ocean reanalysis datasets. The resultant satellite-based upper ocean temperature and salinity dataset has a global coverage, a high spatial resolution, and resolves ocean thermohaline structure from surface to 400 m. This dataset complements existing ocean subsurface products as an independent satellite-based observational dataset. The success of our reconstruction algorithm highlights a pressing need to maintain and advance the satellite observations of SST, SSS, and SSH. The reconstructed ocean temperature and salinity dataset can be accessed at (Liu, 2024) and be used by researchers to study mesoscale ocean phenomena, assess the ocean heat content in various sea areas and etc.
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Status: closed
RC1: 'Comment on essd-2024-334', Anonymous Referee #1, 26 Sep 2024
Review of the manuscript “Seeing through the Sea with Satellites:
Reconstructing Ocean Subsurface Temperature and Salinity with Satellite Observations” by Shizuo Liu and Shineng HuThe manuscript describes the application of a statistical methodology to reconstruct the vertical structure of temperature and salinity in the upper oceans (down to 400 m) starting from measurements of SST, SSS and SSH. The method is based on multivariate EOF computations applied to either climate model data or satellite and in situ interpolated products. The manuscript presents several major flaws and some questionable claims, both related to the originality and novelty of the methodology itself and in terms of relevance of the data and validation strategy that are presented (see detailed comments below). For these reasons, I believe that the manuscript requires quite substantial re-working and re-writing, and thus recommend rejection with a suggestion to resubmit it only after all major issues have been thoroughly addressed.
Major issues:
Limited Originality/Novelty of the methodology and inadequate reference to previous works
The use of vertical EOFs for projecting surface values at depth dates back several decades, with initial algorithms proposed by Carnes et al. in 1990 and 1994. These algorithms were also later adopted in operational systems (see Fox et al. 2002). In 2003, Pascual and Gomis introduced the concept of using multivariate EOFs to project surface information at depth, though their work was limited to geostrophic transport and did not address temperature (T) and salinity (S). During the same period, other techniques, such as the Gravest Empirical Mode (e.g. Mitchell et al., 2004; Meijers et al. 2004), were proposed and successfully tested. However, these methods were not referenced by the authors at all.
The approach based on multivariate EOFs was subsequently extended to jointly reconstruct temperature, salinity, and sea height (SH) vertical profiles from surface data (Buongiorno Nardelli and Santoleri 2005). That work initiated a series of studies that effectively applied the technique to satellite data either limiting to the purely statistical approach (e.g.: Buongiorno Nardelli et al., 2012, 2017) or including simplified dynamical information (e.g. Yan et al., 2020, 2021). The technique proposed in the present manuscript basically reduces the original multivariate T-S-SH EOF reconstruction to bivariate T-S EOFs, followed by the projection of surface height onto the identified modes. As such, it is misleading to present this as an entirely original and novel approach without referencing these foundational works.
Moreover, the list of machine-learning techniques presented is quite limited, and the authors' statements regarding their limitations seem biased and insufficiently justified. Additionally, many other relevant techniques have been proposed that are worth mentioning, such as those in Han et al. (2019), Buongiorno Nardelli (2020), Su et al. (2022), Pauthenet et al. (2022), Smith et al., (2024).
Input data use for the observational study
The authors train their statistical model using either monthly simulations from OGCMs or various observation-based datasets. However, it is unclear which space-time resolution they are targeting, especially since some input data are limited to a 1°x1° spatial resolution and monthly frequency (with the exception of SST data, which is daily). No explanation is provided on how the differences in grid resolution are handled when building the model. If the goal is to produce monthly reconstructions, the claimed benefits of the new product for mesoscale dynamics studies appear mostly unjustified.
Even more importantly, it seems the authors are unaware that the in-situ observational dataset they are using does not provide direct measurements but rather a low-resolution interpolation of sparse in-situ profiles from the global Argo drifting network. Consequently, it cannot be assumed that EOFs estimated from such a dataset would accurately capture dynamical modes beyond large scale seasonal signals. This limitation should be carefully considered when discussing the relevance and implications of their findings. Conversely, interpolated Argo data are always referenced to as “true” in situ measurements throughout the text, which is misleading and creates confusion.
Choice of reference datasets and validation metrics
When proposing new products, it is essential to carefully review existing similar products and demonstrate, through direct comparison, where (or whether) the new product offers improvements. Any purely data-driven reconstruction of the global 4D ocean state should be compared to well-established datasets like EN4 (Good et al., 2013) and ARMOR3D (Guinehut et al., 2004, 2012), which are publicly available, well-documented, and widely used by the scientific community.
Another reference that should always be kept into consideration is provided by (monthly) climatologies eventually estimated from the input data themselves (any new product should perform better than that).
The choice of the metrics for product validation is also quite important to ensure a robust and scientifically sound assessment. It has no sense to me that the validation of data at ¼° is carried out at 2°x2° just to increase some spatial correlations (e.g. fig.5, fig. 11,…). Similarly, monthly data should not be validated looking at annual statistics (e.g. standard deviation in annual average temperature, fig.6).
The only comparison with (just one) true observed timeseries is provided in fig.13. The choice of presenting separate values of each timeseries, however, seems not fully suited to appreciate quantitatively how accurate the reconstruction is. Maybe one could better sense relative performances looking at the timeseries of the differences between observed and modelled values (and also including synthetic metrics such as rms differences).
Methodological aspects
It is unclear why the authors normalize the profiles in input to the EOF dividing them by the standard deviation of each variable at the surface (and not, for example with respect to total standard deviation). This would likely lead to excessive weight given to variables that may display a higher variance at depth. This point definitely requires additional discussion.
The way the cost function is defined, and the need for additional weights are introduced, is rather unclear. From what I understand, the hypothesis is that SSH can be obtained as a combination of a triplet of height anomalies that are equivalent to three surface modes, as they are obtained by projection of SSH on the first three joint PC. These should likely be weighted exactly as the first three T/S vertical modes provided an analogous normalization is carried out.
Moreover, it is unclear why the authors decide to go for an iterative approach instead of directly solving the linear system associated with the 3 expressions that describe the truncated EOF reconstruction of SST, SSS and SSH (exactly as done in Buongiorno Nardelli and Santoleri, 2005). It is unclear what is the rationale of this approach, as well as the advantage of having two cost functions to estimate this “subjective” weights (defined such by the authors themselves).
Even after normalization, there's no clear explanation of how the model treats data across different depths. If the original layers from the model are retained without any modification, this could lead to unequal weighting of variability at different depths, which would posiibly introduce biases and/or inaccuracies in the analysis. The methodology for handling this depth-related variability or justification to ignoring it, needs to be clarified.
It's unclear how satellite-derived data is processed, particularly whether the data has been remapped to the same spatial grid and whether any averaging has been applied to ensure consistency in surface resolution. These details are important for understanding how the data aligns with the model's spatial structure and should be addressed to avoid any ambiguity about the data's integration. It is also crucial to allow reproducibility of the results.
Carnes, M. R., Mitchell, J. L., & Dewitt, P. W. (1990). Synthetic temperature profiles derived from Geosat altimetry: Comparison with air‐ dropped expendable bathythermograph profiles. Journal ofGeophysical Research, 95(C10), 17,979–17,992.
Carnes, M. R., Teague, W. J., & Mitchell, J. L. (1994). Inference of subsurface thermohaline structure from fields measurable by satellite. Journal ofAtmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 11(2), 551–566
Fox, D. N., Teague, W. J., Barron, C. N., Carnes, M. R., & Lee, C. M. (2002). The Modular Ocean Data Assimilation System (MODAS). Journal ofAtmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 19(2), 240–252.‐0426(2002)019<0240:TMODAS>2.0.CO;2
Mitchell, D., M. Wimbush, D. Watts, and W. Teague, 2004: The residual GEM and its application to the southwestern Japan/ East China Sea. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 21, 1895–1909.
A. J. S. Meijers, N. L. Bindoff, S. R. Rintoul, Estimating the four-dimensional structure of the southern ocean using satellite altimetry. J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol. 28, 548–568 (2011).
Pascual, A., and D. Gomis, 2003: Use of surface data to estimate geostrophic transport. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 20, 912–926
Buongiorno Nardelli, B., & Santoleri, R. (2005). Methods for the reconstruction of vertical profiles from surface data: Multivariate analyses, residual GEM, and variable temporal signals in the North Pacific Ocean. Journal ofAtmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 22(11), 1762–1781.
Buongiorno Nardelli, B., Guinehut, S., Pascual, A., Drillet, Y., Mulet, S., & Ruiz, S. (2012). Towards high resolution mapping of 3‐D mesoscale dynamics from observations. Ocean Science, 8(5), 885–901.‐8‐885‐2012
Buongiorno Nardelli, B., Guinehut, S., Verbrugge, N., Cotroneo, Y., Zambianchi, E., & Iudicone, D. (2017). Southern Ocean mixed layer seasonal and interannual variations from combined satellite and in situ data. Journal ofGeophysical Research: Oceans, 122, 10,042–10,060.
Yan et al., A Dynamical‐Statistical Approach to Retrieve the Ocean Interior Structure from Surface Data: SQG‐mEOF‐R. J. Geophys. Res. Ocean. (2020), doi:10.1029/2019jc015840.
Yan, R. Zhang, H. Wang, S. Bao, C. Bai, Practical dynamical-statistical reconstruction of ocean’s interior from satellite observations. Remote Sens. 13, 1–18 (2021).
Han, M., Feng, Y., Zhao, X., Sun, C., Hong, F., and Liu, C. (2019). A convolutional neural network using surface data to predict subsurface temperatures in the pacific ocean. IEEE Access 7, 172816–172829. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2955957
Buongiorno Nardelli, B. (2020). A deep learning network to retrieve ocean hydrographic profiles from combined satellite and in situ measurements. Remote Sens. 12. doi: 10.3390/RS12193151
Su, H., Jiang, J., Wang, A., Zhuang, W., and Yan, X.-H. (2022). Subsurface temperature reconstruction for the global ocean from 1993 to 2020 using satellite observations and deep learning. Remote Sens. 14, 3198. doi: 10.3390/rs14133198
Pauthenet et al., Four-dimensional temperature, salinity and mixed-layer depth in the Gulf Stream, reconstructed from remote-sensing and in situ observations with neural networks. Ocean Sci. 18, 1221–1244 (2022).
A. H. Smith et al., Reconstruction of subsurface ocean state variables using Convolutional Neural Networks with combined satellite and in situ data. Front. Mar. Sci. 10, 1–16 (2023).
Guinehut, S., Dhomps, A. L., Larnicol, G., & Le Traon, P. Y. (2012). High resolution 3‐D temperature and salinity fields derived from in situ and satellite observations. Ocean Science, 8(5), 845–857.‐8‐845‐2012
Guinehut, S., Le Traon, P. Y., Larnicol, G., & Philipps, S. (2004). Combining Argo and remote‐sensing data to estimate the ocean three‐ dimensional temperature fields—A first approach based on simulated observations. Journal ofMarine Systems, 46(1–4), 85–98. https://
Good, M. J. Martin, N. A. Rayner, EN4 : quality controlled ocean temperature and salinity profiles and monthly objective analyses with uncertainty estimates. J. Geophys. Res. 118, 6704–6716 (2013).
Citation: -
RC2: 'Comment on essd-2024-334', Anonymous Referee #2, 23 Dec 2024
Reconstructing Ocean Subsurface Temperature and Salinity with Satellite Observations by Shizuo Liu and Shineng Hu
The manuscript introduces a methodology for reconstructing subsurface ocean temperature and salinity profiles from satellite-derived surface data. While the premise of using empirical orthogonal functions (EOF) to infer subsurface conditions from surface measurements is not inherently flawed, the approach itself is far from novel. The use of EOFs in reconstructing vertical ocean structures has been well-documented over several decades, and the assumption of linear relationships between surface and subsurface conditions is a significant limitation, especially in the context of modern advances in machine learning and neural networks. The authors attempt to mitigate some of these limitations by incorporating climate model simulations, but this introduces potential biases and noise, which may compromise the reliability of the results.
Overall, while the paper may offer incremental progress in the application of established techniques, it does not convincingly demonstrate sufficient novelty or superiority over existing methods to warrant publication in its current form. A more thorough exploration of alternative methodologies and a stronger justification for the use of EOFs are necessary to strengthen the manuscript.
Methodology issues:
The description of the reconstruction algorithm in 2.6 relies heavily on established techniques, specifically the use of empirical orthogonal functions (EOF) to reconstruct subsurface ocean temperature and salinity profiles. However, the authors present this approach as novel without adequately referencing the extensive body of prior work in this area. The foundational use of EOF for subsurface reconstruction dates back decades, yet the manuscript omits critical citations and fails to position the study within the broader context of EOF-based oceanographic methods.
A key methodological concern is that the described approach appears to be a form of bivariate EOF analysis, which jointly analyzes temperature and salinity anomalies. This is not fundamentally novel, as multivariate EOFs have been applied in numerous oceanographic studies to account for coupled variability across multiple parameters (Nardelli and Santoleri, 2005) and (Nardelli et al., 2017). Without explicitly addressing this, the manuscript risks overstating its contributions.
Additionally, while the algorithm's procedural steps are outlined in detail, the terminology used—such as "eigenmodes" and "joint EOF analysis"—lacks precise definition. The manuscript does not clearly explain how these eigenmodes correspond to physical oceanographic structures or why the derived modes are inherently interpretable compared to machine learning approaches. This is a missed opportunity to underscore the supposed advantage of EOF in terms of explainability.
Another major concern lies in the lack of comparison with more sophisticated non-linear techniques, which have become increasingly common in the field. The manuscript lacks a critical discussion of why EOF was chosen over contemporary alternatives and does not sufficiently address the potential drawbacks of this linear approach. The authors suggest that their EOF-based method provides clearer interpretability relative to neural networks, citing the well-known “black-box” nature of machine learning models. While this distinction is acknowledged across disciplines, the manuscript does not convincingly demonstrate how their approach yields a deeper or more intuitive understanding of subsurface ocean dynamics. If the authors argue that EOFs provide a more transparent framework for understanding the ocean’s vertical structure, they should explicitly highlight how the derived eigenmodes correspond to physical processes or oceanographic features. Moreover, a more comprehensive and up-to-date review of machine learning applications in this field is necessary to justify the reliance on EOFs.
The paper lacks direct comparison with more sophisticated non-linear methods that have gained traction in recent years. Recent advances in machine learning have significantly improved subsurface reconstructions by leveraging convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and deep learning architectures that integrate satellite and in situ data. Studies such as Su et al. (2020) , Buongiorno Nardelli (2020), and Smith et al. (2023) have demonstrated the effectiveness of neural networks in reconstructing subsurface ocean state variables, offering improved accuracy and spatial coverage. Similarly, Sun et al. (2022) applied 3D U-Net models to predict subsurface temperature fields, showing the potential for deep learning to capture complex spatiotemporal patterns that EOF-based methods may overlook.
Data issues:
A significant issue with the manuscript is the lack of clarity regarding the spatial and temporal resolution of the datasets used and the final output grid. The authors draw from a variety of satellite and in-situ observational datasets, each with differing resolutions:
SST (OISST v2.1): 0.25° spatial, daily temporal (since 1981)
SSS (OISSS v1): 0.25° spatial, monthly temporal (2011–2020)
SSH (MEaSUREs): 0.17° spatial, 5-day temporal (1992–2022)
Argo: 0.5° spatial, monthly temporal, 187 depth levels (2002–2020)
Assimilation Products (ORAS5, SODA3, IAP, ECCO4r4): Spatial resolutions range from 0.25° to 1°, with varying temporal grids and vertical layers.
CESM2 Outputs: ~100 km spatial, monthly temporal (1850–2014).While the authors provide a comprehensive list of datasets, there is little explanation of how these varying resolutions are combined in the final product. The manuscript leaves several important questions unanswered:
What is the spatial and temporal resolution of the final reconstructed dataset?
How are differences in resolution (e.g., 0.25°, 0.5°, 1°) managed during the reconstruction process?
What methods are used to align datasets with different temporal frequencies (e.g., daily SST vs. monthly SSS)?
Is the final product interpolated onto a uniform grid, or does the resolution vary depending on the dataset or region?
The lack of consistency in data granularity could introduce biases or artifacts into the reconstruction, yet the manuscript offers no discussion on how these potential issues are addressed. This omission raises concerns about the reliability and reproducibility of the results.Final Comment:
I recommend that this paper undergo considerable restructuring and rewriting prior to publication. The authors need to clearly state the specific novelty of their approach and explicitly differentiate it from existing methods. The description of the methodology requires greater detail and must be critically discussed in comparison to more contemporary techniques, highlighting both its advantages and potential limitations. Additionally, the integration of input datasets, as well as the resolution and characteristics of the reconstructed output, must be presented with greater clarity and precision to ensure transparency and reproducibility. Moreover, improving the overall clarity and precision of the language throughout the manuscript will improve readability and strengthen the paper’s impact.
Nardelli B., Santoleri R. (2005). Methods for the reconstruction of vertical profiles from surface data: Multivariate analyses, residual gem, and variable temporal signals in the north pacific ocean. J. Atmos. Ocean Technol. 22, 1762–1781. doi: 10.1175/JTECH1792.1
Nardelli B., Guinehut S., Verbrugge N., Cotroneo Y., Zambianchi E., Iudicone D. (2017). Southern ocean mixed-layer seasonal and interannual variations from combined satellite and in situ data. J. Geophysical Research: Oceans 122, 10042–10060. doi: 10.1002/2017JC013314
Smith, P. A.H., Sørensen, K. A., Buongiorno Nardelli, B., Chauhan, A., Christensen, A., St. John, M., & Mariani, P. (2023). Reconstruction of subsurface ocean state variables using Convolutional Neural Networks with combined satellite and in situ data. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, 1218514.
Su H., Zhang H., Geng X., Qin T., Lu W., Yan X. (2020). Open: A new estimation of global ocean heat content for upper 2000 meters from remote sensing data. Remote Sens. 12, 2294. doi: 10.3390/rs12142294
Sun N., Zhou Z., Li Q., Zhou X. (2022). Spatiotemporal prediction of monthly sea subsurface temperature fields using a 3d u-net-based model. Remote Sens. 14, 4890. doi: 10.3390/rs14194890
Buongiorno Nardelli B. (2020). A deep learning network to retrieve ocean hydrographic profiles from combined satellite and in situ measurements. Remote Sens. 12. doi: 10.3390/RS12193151
Status: closed
RC1: 'Comment on essd-2024-334', Anonymous Referee #1, 26 Sep 2024
Review of the manuscript “Seeing through the Sea with Satellites:
Reconstructing Ocean Subsurface Temperature and Salinity with Satellite Observations” by Shizuo Liu and Shineng HuThe manuscript describes the application of a statistical methodology to reconstruct the vertical structure of temperature and salinity in the upper oceans (down to 400 m) starting from measurements of SST, SSS and SSH. The method is based on multivariate EOF computations applied to either climate model data or satellite and in situ interpolated products. The manuscript presents several major flaws and some questionable claims, both related to the originality and novelty of the methodology itself and in terms of relevance of the data and validation strategy that are presented (see detailed comments below). For these reasons, I believe that the manuscript requires quite substantial re-working and re-writing, and thus recommend rejection with a suggestion to resubmit it only after all major issues have been thoroughly addressed.
Major issues:
Limited Originality/Novelty of the methodology and inadequate reference to previous works
The use of vertical EOFs for projecting surface values at depth dates back several decades, with initial algorithms proposed by Carnes et al. in 1990 and 1994. These algorithms were also later adopted in operational systems (see Fox et al. 2002). In 2003, Pascual and Gomis introduced the concept of using multivariate EOFs to project surface information at depth, though their work was limited to geostrophic transport and did not address temperature (T) and salinity (S). During the same period, other techniques, such as the Gravest Empirical Mode (e.g. Mitchell et al., 2004; Meijers et al. 2004), were proposed and successfully tested. However, these methods were not referenced by the authors at all.
The approach based on multivariate EOFs was subsequently extended to jointly reconstruct temperature, salinity, and sea height (SH) vertical profiles from surface data (Buongiorno Nardelli and Santoleri 2005). That work initiated a series of studies that effectively applied the technique to satellite data either limiting to the purely statistical approach (e.g.: Buongiorno Nardelli et al., 2012, 2017) or including simplified dynamical information (e.g. Yan et al., 2020, 2021). The technique proposed in the present manuscript basically reduces the original multivariate T-S-SH EOF reconstruction to bivariate T-S EOFs, followed by the projection of surface height onto the identified modes. As such, it is misleading to present this as an entirely original and novel approach without referencing these foundational works.
Moreover, the list of machine-learning techniques presented is quite limited, and the authors' statements regarding their limitations seem biased and insufficiently justified. Additionally, many other relevant techniques have been proposed that are worth mentioning, such as those in Han et al. (2019), Buongiorno Nardelli (2020), Su et al. (2022), Pauthenet et al. (2022), Smith et al., (2024).
Input data use for the observational study
The authors train their statistical model using either monthly simulations from OGCMs or various observation-based datasets. However, it is unclear which space-time resolution they are targeting, especially since some input data are limited to a 1°x1° spatial resolution and monthly frequency (with the exception of SST data, which is daily). No explanation is provided on how the differences in grid resolution are handled when building the model. If the goal is to produce monthly reconstructions, the claimed benefits of the new product for mesoscale dynamics studies appear mostly unjustified.
Even more importantly, it seems the authors are unaware that the in-situ observational dataset they are using does not provide direct measurements but rather a low-resolution interpolation of sparse in-situ profiles from the global Argo drifting network. Consequently, it cannot be assumed that EOFs estimated from such a dataset would accurately capture dynamical modes beyond large scale seasonal signals. This limitation should be carefully considered when discussing the relevance and implications of their findings. Conversely, interpolated Argo data are always referenced to as “true” in situ measurements throughout the text, which is misleading and creates confusion.
Choice of reference datasets and validation metrics
When proposing new products, it is essential to carefully review existing similar products and demonstrate, through direct comparison, where (or whether) the new product offers improvements. Any purely data-driven reconstruction of the global 4D ocean state should be compared to well-established datasets like EN4 (Good et al., 2013) and ARMOR3D (Guinehut et al., 2004, 2012), which are publicly available, well-documented, and widely used by the scientific community.
Another reference that should always be kept into consideration is provided by (monthly) climatologies eventually estimated from the input data themselves (any new product should perform better than that).
The choice of the metrics for product validation is also quite important to ensure a robust and scientifically sound assessment. It has no sense to me that the validation of data at ¼° is carried out at 2°x2° just to increase some spatial correlations (e.g. fig.5, fig. 11,…). Similarly, monthly data should not be validated looking at annual statistics (e.g. standard deviation in annual average temperature, fig.6).
The only comparison with (just one) true observed timeseries is provided in fig.13. The choice of presenting separate values of each timeseries, however, seems not fully suited to appreciate quantitatively how accurate the reconstruction is. Maybe one could better sense relative performances looking at the timeseries of the differences between observed and modelled values (and also including synthetic metrics such as rms differences).
Methodological aspects
It is unclear why the authors normalize the profiles in input to the EOF dividing them by the standard deviation of each variable at the surface (and not, for example with respect to total standard deviation). This would likely lead to excessive weight given to variables that may display a higher variance at depth. This point definitely requires additional discussion.
The way the cost function is defined, and the need for additional weights are introduced, is rather unclear. From what I understand, the hypothesis is that SSH can be obtained as a combination of a triplet of height anomalies that are equivalent to three surface modes, as they are obtained by projection of SSH on the first three joint PC. These should likely be weighted exactly as the first three T/S vertical modes provided an analogous normalization is carried out.
Moreover, it is unclear why the authors decide to go for an iterative approach instead of directly solving the linear system associated with the 3 expressions that describe the truncated EOF reconstruction of SST, SSS and SSH (exactly as done in Buongiorno Nardelli and Santoleri, 2005). It is unclear what is the rationale of this approach, as well as the advantage of having two cost functions to estimate this “subjective” weights (defined such by the authors themselves).
Even after normalization, there's no clear explanation of how the model treats data across different depths. If the original layers from the model are retained without any modification, this could lead to unequal weighting of variability at different depths, which would posiibly introduce biases and/or inaccuracies in the analysis. The methodology for handling this depth-related variability or justification to ignoring it, needs to be clarified.
It's unclear how satellite-derived data is processed, particularly whether the data has been remapped to the same spatial grid and whether any averaging has been applied to ensure consistency in surface resolution. These details are important for understanding how the data aligns with the model's spatial structure and should be addressed to avoid any ambiguity about the data's integration. It is also crucial to allow reproducibility of the results.
Carnes, M. R., Mitchell, J. L., & Dewitt, P. W. (1990). Synthetic temperature profiles derived from Geosat altimetry: Comparison with air‐ dropped expendable bathythermograph profiles. Journal ofGeophysical Research, 95(C10), 17,979–17,992.
Carnes, M. R., Teague, W. J., & Mitchell, J. L. (1994). Inference of subsurface thermohaline structure from fields measurable by satellite. Journal ofAtmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 11(2), 551–566
Fox, D. N., Teague, W. J., Barron, C. N., Carnes, M. R., & Lee, C. M. (2002). The Modular Ocean Data Assimilation System (MODAS). Journal ofAtmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 19(2), 240–252.‐0426(2002)019<0240:TMODAS>2.0.CO;2
Mitchell, D., M. Wimbush, D. Watts, and W. Teague, 2004: The residual GEM and its application to the southwestern Japan/ East China Sea. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 21, 1895–1909.
A. J. S. Meijers, N. L. Bindoff, S. R. Rintoul, Estimating the four-dimensional structure of the southern ocean using satellite altimetry. J. Atmos. Ocean. Technol. 28, 548–568 (2011).
Pascual, A., and D. Gomis, 2003: Use of surface data to estimate geostrophic transport. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 20, 912–926
Buongiorno Nardelli, B., & Santoleri, R. (2005). Methods for the reconstruction of vertical profiles from surface data: Multivariate analyses, residual GEM, and variable temporal signals in the North Pacific Ocean. Journal ofAtmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 22(11), 1762–1781.
Buongiorno Nardelli, B., Guinehut, S., Pascual, A., Drillet, Y., Mulet, S., & Ruiz, S. (2012). Towards high resolution mapping of 3‐D mesoscale dynamics from observations. Ocean Science, 8(5), 885–901.‐8‐885‐2012
Buongiorno Nardelli, B., Guinehut, S., Verbrugge, N., Cotroneo, Y., Zambianchi, E., & Iudicone, D. (2017). Southern Ocean mixed layer seasonal and interannual variations from combined satellite and in situ data. Journal ofGeophysical Research: Oceans, 122, 10,042–10,060.
Yan et al., A Dynamical‐Statistical Approach to Retrieve the Ocean Interior Structure from Surface Data: SQG‐mEOF‐R. J. Geophys. Res. Ocean. (2020), doi:10.1029/2019jc015840.
Yan, R. Zhang, H. Wang, S. Bao, C. Bai, Practical dynamical-statistical reconstruction of ocean’s interior from satellite observations. Remote Sens. 13, 1–18 (2021).
Han, M., Feng, Y., Zhao, X., Sun, C., Hong, F., and Liu, C. (2019). A convolutional neural network using surface data to predict subsurface temperatures in the pacific ocean. IEEE Access 7, 172816–172829. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2955957
Buongiorno Nardelli, B. (2020). A deep learning network to retrieve ocean hydrographic profiles from combined satellite and in situ measurements. Remote Sens. 12. doi: 10.3390/RS12193151
Su, H., Jiang, J., Wang, A., Zhuang, W., and Yan, X.-H. (2022). Subsurface temperature reconstruction for the global ocean from 1993 to 2020 using satellite observations and deep learning. Remote Sens. 14, 3198. doi: 10.3390/rs14133198
Pauthenet et al., Four-dimensional temperature, salinity and mixed-layer depth in the Gulf Stream, reconstructed from remote-sensing and in situ observations with neural networks. Ocean Sci. 18, 1221–1244 (2022).
A. H. Smith et al., Reconstruction of subsurface ocean state variables using Convolutional Neural Networks with combined satellite and in situ data. Front. Mar. Sci. 10, 1–16 (2023).
Guinehut, S., Dhomps, A. L., Larnicol, G., & Le Traon, P. Y. (2012). High resolution 3‐D temperature and salinity fields derived from in situ and satellite observations. Ocean Science, 8(5), 845–857.‐8‐845‐2012
Guinehut, S., Le Traon, P. Y., Larnicol, G., & Philipps, S. (2004). Combining Argo and remote‐sensing data to estimate the ocean three‐ dimensional temperature fields—A first approach based on simulated observations. Journal ofMarine Systems, 46(1–4), 85–98. https://
Good, M. J. Martin, N. A. Rayner, EN4 : quality controlled ocean temperature and salinity profiles and monthly objective analyses with uncertainty estimates. J. Geophys. Res. 118, 6704–6716 (2013).
Citation: -
RC2: 'Comment on essd-2024-334', Anonymous Referee #2, 23 Dec 2024
Reconstructing Ocean Subsurface Temperature and Salinity with Satellite Observations by Shizuo Liu and Shineng Hu
The manuscript introduces a methodology for reconstructing subsurface ocean temperature and salinity profiles from satellite-derived surface data. While the premise of using empirical orthogonal functions (EOF) to infer subsurface conditions from surface measurements is not inherently flawed, the approach itself is far from novel. The use of EOFs in reconstructing vertical ocean structures has been well-documented over several decades, and the assumption of linear relationships between surface and subsurface conditions is a significant limitation, especially in the context of modern advances in machine learning and neural networks. The authors attempt to mitigate some of these limitations by incorporating climate model simulations, but this introduces potential biases and noise, which may compromise the reliability of the results.
Overall, while the paper may offer incremental progress in the application of established techniques, it does not convincingly demonstrate sufficient novelty or superiority over existing methods to warrant publication in its current form. A more thorough exploration of alternative methodologies and a stronger justification for the use of EOFs are necessary to strengthen the manuscript.
Methodology issues:
The description of the reconstruction algorithm in 2.6 relies heavily on established techniques, specifically the use of empirical orthogonal functions (EOF) to reconstruct subsurface ocean temperature and salinity profiles. However, the authors present this approach as novel without adequately referencing the extensive body of prior work in this area. The foundational use of EOF for subsurface reconstruction dates back decades, yet the manuscript omits critical citations and fails to position the study within the broader context of EOF-based oceanographic methods.
A key methodological concern is that the described approach appears to be a form of bivariate EOF analysis, which jointly analyzes temperature and salinity anomalies. This is not fundamentally novel, as multivariate EOFs have been applied in numerous oceanographic studies to account for coupled variability across multiple parameters (Nardelli and Santoleri, 2005) and (Nardelli et al., 2017). Without explicitly addressing this, the manuscript risks overstating its contributions.
Additionally, while the algorithm's procedural steps are outlined in detail, the terminology used—such as "eigenmodes" and "joint EOF analysis"—lacks precise definition. The manuscript does not clearly explain how these eigenmodes correspond to physical oceanographic structures or why the derived modes are inherently interpretable compared to machine learning approaches. This is a missed opportunity to underscore the supposed advantage of EOF in terms of explainability.
Another major concern lies in the lack of comparison with more sophisticated non-linear techniques, which have become increasingly common in the field. The manuscript lacks a critical discussion of why EOF was chosen over contemporary alternatives and does not sufficiently address the potential drawbacks of this linear approach. The authors suggest that their EOF-based method provides clearer interpretability relative to neural networks, citing the well-known “black-box” nature of machine learning models. While this distinction is acknowledged across disciplines, the manuscript does not convincingly demonstrate how their approach yields a deeper or more intuitive understanding of subsurface ocean dynamics. If the authors argue that EOFs provide a more transparent framework for understanding the ocean’s vertical structure, they should explicitly highlight how the derived eigenmodes correspond to physical processes or oceanographic features. Moreover, a more comprehensive and up-to-date review of machine learning applications in this field is necessary to justify the reliance on EOFs.
The paper lacks direct comparison with more sophisticated non-linear methods that have gained traction in recent years. Recent advances in machine learning have significantly improved subsurface reconstructions by leveraging convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and deep learning architectures that integrate satellite and in situ data. Studies such as Su et al. (2020) , Buongiorno Nardelli (2020), and Smith et al. (2023) have demonstrated the effectiveness of neural networks in reconstructing subsurface ocean state variables, offering improved accuracy and spatial coverage. Similarly, Sun et al. (2022) applied 3D U-Net models to predict subsurface temperature fields, showing the potential for deep learning to capture complex spatiotemporal patterns that EOF-based methods may overlook.
Data issues:
A significant issue with the manuscript is the lack of clarity regarding the spatial and temporal resolution of the datasets used and the final output grid. The authors draw from a variety of satellite and in-situ observational datasets, each with differing resolutions:
SST (OISST v2.1): 0.25° spatial, daily temporal (since 1981)
SSS (OISSS v1): 0.25° spatial, monthly temporal (2011–2020)
SSH (MEaSUREs): 0.17° spatial, 5-day temporal (1992–2022)
Argo: 0.5° spatial, monthly temporal, 187 depth levels (2002–2020)
Assimilation Products (ORAS5, SODA3, IAP, ECCO4r4): Spatial resolutions range from 0.25° to 1°, with varying temporal grids and vertical layers.
CESM2 Outputs: ~100 km spatial, monthly temporal (1850–2014).While the authors provide a comprehensive list of datasets, there is little explanation of how these varying resolutions are combined in the final product. The manuscript leaves several important questions unanswered:
What is the spatial and temporal resolution of the final reconstructed dataset?
How are differences in resolution (e.g., 0.25°, 0.5°, 1°) managed during the reconstruction process?
What methods are used to align datasets with different temporal frequencies (e.g., daily SST vs. monthly SSS)?
Is the final product interpolated onto a uniform grid, or does the resolution vary depending on the dataset or region?
The lack of consistency in data granularity could introduce biases or artifacts into the reconstruction, yet the manuscript offers no discussion on how these potential issues are addressed. This omission raises concerns about the reliability and reproducibility of the results.Final Comment:
I recommend that this paper undergo considerable restructuring and rewriting prior to publication. The authors need to clearly state the specific novelty of their approach and explicitly differentiate it from existing methods. The description of the methodology requires greater detail and must be critically discussed in comparison to more contemporary techniques, highlighting both its advantages and potential limitations. Additionally, the integration of input datasets, as well as the resolution and characteristics of the reconstructed output, must be presented with greater clarity and precision to ensure transparency and reproducibility. Moreover, improving the overall clarity and precision of the language throughout the manuscript will improve readability and strengthen the paper’s impact.
Nardelli B., Santoleri R. (2005). Methods for the reconstruction of vertical profiles from surface data: Multivariate analyses, residual gem, and variable temporal signals in the north pacific ocean. J. Atmos. Ocean Technol. 22, 1762–1781. doi: 10.1175/JTECH1792.1
Nardelli B., Guinehut S., Verbrugge N., Cotroneo Y., Zambianchi E., Iudicone D. (2017). Southern ocean mixed-layer seasonal and interannual variations from combined satellite and in situ data. J. Geophysical Research: Oceans 122, 10042–10060. doi: 10.1002/2017JC013314
Smith, P. A.H., Sørensen, K. A., Buongiorno Nardelli, B., Chauhan, A., Christensen, A., St. John, M., & Mariani, P. (2023). Reconstruction of subsurface ocean state variables using Convolutional Neural Networks with combined satellite and in situ data. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, 1218514.
Su H., Zhang H., Geng X., Qin T., Lu W., Yan X. (2020). Open: A new estimation of global ocean heat content for upper 2000 meters from remote sensing data. Remote Sens. 12, 2294. doi: 10.3390/rs12142294
Sun N., Zhou Z., Li Q., Zhou X. (2022). Spatiotemporal prediction of monthly sea subsurface temperature fields using a 3d u-net-based model. Remote Sens. 14, 4890. doi: 10.3390/rs14194890
Buongiorno Nardelli B. (2020). A deep learning network to retrieve ocean hydrographic profiles from combined satellite and in situ measurements. Remote Sens. 12. doi: 10.3390/RS12193151
Data sets
Reconstructing Ocean Subsurface Temperature and Salinity with Satellite Observations Shizuo Liu
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