25 Oct 2024
 | 25 Oct 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal ESSD.

A full-coverage satellite-based global atmospheric CO2 dataset at 0.05° resolution from 2015 to 2021 for exploring global carbon dynamics

Zhige Wang, Ce Zhang, Kejian Shi, Yulin Shangguan, Bifeng Hu, Xueyao Chen, Danqing Wei, Songchao Chen, Peter M. Atkinson, and Qiang Zhang

Abstract. The irreversible trend for global warming underscores the necessity for accurate monitoring and analysis of atmospheric carbon dynamics on a global scale. Carbon satellites hold significant potential for atmospheric CO2 monitoring. However, existing studies on global CO2 are constrained by coarse resolution (ranging from 0.25° to 2°) and limited spatial coverage. In this study, we developed a new global dataset of column-averaged dry-air mole fraction of CO2 (XCO2) at 0.05° resolution with full coverage using carbon satellite observations, multi-source satellite products, and an improved deep learning model. We then investigated changes in global atmospheric CO2 and anomalies from 2015 to 2021. The reconstructed XCO2 products show a better agreement with Total Carbon Column Observing Network (TCCON) measurements, with R2 of 0.92 and RSME of 1.54 ppm. The products also provide more accurate information on the global and regional spatial patterns of XCO2 compared to origin carbon satellite monitoring and previous XCO2 products. The global pattern of XCO2 exhibited a distinct increasing trend with a growth rate of 2.32 ppm/year, reaching 414.00 ppm in 2021. Globally, XCO2 showed obvious spatial variability across different latitudes and continents. Higher XCO2 concentrations were primarily observed in the Northern Hemisphere, particularly in regions with intensive anthropogenic activity, such as East Asia and North America. We also validated the effectiveness of our XCO2 products in detecting intensive CO2 emission sources. The XCO2 dataset is publicly accessible on the Zenodo platform at (Wang et al., 2024). Our findings represent a promising advancement in monitoring carbon emission across various countries and enhancing the understanding of global carbon dynamics.

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Zhige Wang, Ce Zhang, Kejian Shi, Yulin Shangguan, Bifeng Hu, Xueyao Chen, Danqing Wei, Songchao Chen, Peter M. Atkinson, and Qiang Zhang

Status: open (extended)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Zhige Wang, Ce Zhang, Kejian Shi, Yulin Shangguan, Bifeng Hu, Xueyao Chen, Danqing Wei, Songchao Chen, Peter M. Atkinson, and Qiang Zhang

Data sets

A monthly full-coverage satellite-based global atmospheric CO2 dataset at 0.05° resolution from 2015 to 2021 Zhige Wang, Ce Zhang, Kejian Shi, Yulin Shangguan, Bifeng Hu, Xueyao Chen, Danqing Wei, Songchao Chen, Peter M. Atkinson, and Qiang Zhang

Zhige Wang, Ce Zhang, Kejian Shi, Yulin Shangguan, Bifeng Hu, Xueyao Chen, Danqing Wei, Songchao Chen, Peter M. Atkinson, and Qiang Zhang


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Short summary
The irreversible trend in global warming underscores the necessity for accurate monitoring of atmospheric carbon dynamics on a global scale. This study generated a global dataset of column-averaged dry-air mole fraction of CO2 (XCO2) at 0.05° resolution with full coverage using carbon satellite data and a deep learning model. The dataset accurately depicts global and regional XCO2 patterns, advancing the monitoring of carbon emissions and understanding of global carbon dynamics.