28 Nov 2019
 | 28 Nov 2019
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

The Vulcan Version 3.0 High-Resolution Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions for the United States

Kevin R. Gurney, Jianming Liang, Risa Patarasuk, Yang Song, Jianhua Huang, and Geoffrey Roest

Abstract. Estimates of greenhouse gas emissions, quantified at fine space and time scales, has become a critical component of new multi-constraint flux information systems in addition to providing relevant information to decisionmakers when considering GHG mitigation opportunities. The Vulcan Project is an effort to estimate bottom-up fossil fuel emissions and CO2 emissions from cement production (FFCO2) for the entire United States landscape at space and time scales that satisfy both scientific and policy needs. Here, we report on version 3.0 of the Vulcan emissions which quantifies FFCO2 emissions for the U.S. at a spatial resolution of 1 km × 1 km and hourly temporal resolution for the 2010–2015 time period. We provide a complete description of the updated methods, data sources, results, and comparison to a global gridded FFCO2 data product. We estimate FFCO2 emissions for the year 2011 of 1589.3 TgC with a 95 % confidence interval of 1299/1917 TgC (+18.3 %/−20.6 %), implying a one-sigma uncertainty of ~±10%. We find that per capita FFCO2 emissions are larger in states dominated by the electricity production and industrial sectors and smaller in states dominated by onroad and residential/commercial building emissions. The center of mass (CoM) of FFCO2 emissions in the US are located in the state of Missouri with mean seasonality that moves on a NE/SW near-elliptical path. Comparison to ODIAC, a global gridded FFCO2 emissions estimate shows large differences in both total emissions (100.1 TgC for year 2011) and spatial patterns. The spatial correlation (R2) between the two data products was 0.38 and the mean absolute difference at the individual gridcell scale was 80.04 %. The Vulcan v3.0 FFCO2 emissions data product offers an immediate high-resolution estimate of emissions in every city within the U.S., providing a large potential savings of time and effort for cities planning to develop self-reported city inventories. The Vulcan v3.0 annual gridded emissions data product can be downloaded from the data repository at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (, Gurney et al., 2019).

This preprint has been withdrawn.

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Kevin R. Gurney, Jianming Liang, Risa Patarasuk, Yang Song, Jianhua Huang, and Geoffrey Roest

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Status: closed
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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
Printer-friendly Version - Printer-friendly version Supplement - Supplement
Kevin R. Gurney, Jianming Liang, Risa Patarasuk, Yang Song, Jianhua Huang, and Geoffrey Roest

Data sets

The Vulcan Version 3.0 High-Resolution Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions for the United States K. R. Gurney, J. Liang, R. Patarasuk, Y. Song, J. Huang, and G. Roest

Kevin R. Gurney, Jianming Liang, Risa Patarasuk, Yang Song, Jianhua Huang, and Geoffrey Roest


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Latest update: 21 Feb 2025

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Short summary
Estimates of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), in fine space/time detail is critical to guiding and efficiently implementing emission reduction policies. This paper presents the Vulcan version 3.0 which quantifies fossil fuel carbon dioxide emissions at a spatial resolution of 1 km2/hourly for the entire United States. We describe the methods, share key results, and compare to a global emissions data product.