24 Oct 2018
 | 24 Oct 2018
Status: this preprint has been withdrawn by the authors.

WFDEI-GEM-CaPA: A 38-year High-Resolution Meteorological Forcing Data Set for Land Surface Modeling in North America

Zilefac Elvis Asong, Howard Simon Wheater, John Willard Pomeroy, Alain Pietroniro, Mohamed Ezzat Elshamy, Daniel Princz, and Alex Cannon

Abstract. Cold regions hydrology is very sensitive to the impacts of climate warming. Future warming is expected to increase the proportion of winter precipitation falling as rainfall. Snowpacks are expected to undergo less sublimation, form later and melt earlier and possibly more slowly, leading to earlier spring peak streamflow. More physically realistic and sophisticated hydrological models driven by reliable climate forcing can provide the capability to assess hydrologic responses to climate change. However, hydrological processes in cold regions involve complex phase changes and so are very sensitive to small biases in the driving meteorology, particularly in temperature and precipitation. Cold regions often have sparse surface observations, particularly at high elevations that generate a major amount of runoff. The effects of mountain topography and high latitudes are not well reflected in the observational record. The best available gridded data in Canada is from the high resolution forecasts of the Global Environmental Multiscale (GEM) atmospheric model and the Canadian Precipitation Analysis (CaPA) but this dataset has a short historical record. The EU WATCH ERA-Interim reanalysis (WFDEI) has a longer historical record, but has often been found to be biased relative to observations over Canada. The aim of this study, therefore, is to blend the strengths of both datasets (GEM-CaPA and WFDEI) to produce a less-biased long record product (WFDEI-GEM-CaPA). First, a multivariate generalization of the quantile mapping technique was implemented to bias-correct WFDEI against GEM-CaPA at 3 h × 0.125° resolution during the 2005–2016 overlap period, followed by a hindcast of WFDEI-GEM-CaPA from 1979. The final product (WFDEI-GEM-CaPA, 1979–2016) is freely available at the Federated Research Data Repository (

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Zilefac Elvis Asong, Howard Simon Wheater, John Willard Pomeroy, Alain Pietroniro, Mohamed Ezzat Elshamy, Daniel Princz, and Alex Cannon

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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Zilefac Elvis Asong, Howard Simon Wheater, John Willard Pomeroy, Alain Pietroniro, Mohamed Ezzat Elshamy, Daniel Princz, and Alex Cannon
Zilefac Elvis Asong, Howard Simon Wheater, John Willard Pomeroy, Alain Pietroniro, Mohamed Ezzat Elshamy, Daniel Princz, and Alex Cannon


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Latest update: 03 Mar 2025

This preprint has been withdrawn.

Short summary
Cold regions hydrology is very sensitive to the impacts of climate warming. We need better hydrological models driven by reliable climate data in order to assess hydrologic responses to climate change. Cold regions often have sparse surface observations, particularly at high elevations that generate a major amount of runoff. We produce a long-term dataset that can be used to better understand and represent the seasonal/inter-annual variability of hydrological fluxes and the the timing of runoff.