Articles | Volume 8, issue 2
23 Sep 2016
 | 23 Sep 2016

Biogeochemical data from terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in a periglacial catchment, West Greenland

Tobias Lindborg, Johan Rydberg, Mats Tröjbom, Sten Berglund, Emma Johansson, Anders Löfgren, Peter Saetre, Sara Nordén, Gustav Sohlenius, Eva Andersson, Johannes Petrone, Micke Borgiel, Ulrik Kautsky, and Hjalmar Laudon


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Discussed (final revised paper)

Latest update: 29 Mar 2025
Short summary
This paper presents a biogeochemical and ecological data set from the Kangerlussuaq region, western Greenland. The data set is used to conceptualize and model terrestrial and limnic ecosystems as well as the land–lake linkage. Both biotic and abiotic data is presented and will be used for biogeochemical mass-balance and transport calculations. The data set constitutes an important source in order to understand and describe accumulation and flow of matter within periglacial landscapes.
Final-revised paper